File ‹generator_aux.ML›
signature GENERATOR_AUX =
val alist_to_string : (string * 'a)list -> string
val sub : string -> string
val subT : string -> typ -> string
val ints_to_subscript : int list -> string
val drop_last : 'a list -> 'a list
val rename_types : (typ * typ) list -> term -> term
val lambdas : term list -> term -> term
val OF_option : thm -> thm option list -> thm
val conjI_tac : thm list ->
Proof.context -> 'a list -> (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) -> tactic
val is_class_instance : theory -> string -> sort -> bool
val mk_case_tac :
Proof.context ->
term option list list ->
thm ->
(int -> Proof.context * thm list * (string * cterm) list -> tactic) ->
val infer_type : Proof.context -> term -> term
val prove_multi_future : Proof.context -> string list -> term list -> term list ->
({prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic) -> thm list
val mutual_recursive_types : string -> Proof.context -> string list * typ list
val recursor :
(string -> 'info) *
('info -> bool list) *
string list ->
bool ->
(typ -> 'a) ->
(typ -> 'a) ->
(typ -> 'a) ->
((typ * 'a option) list * 'info -> 'a) ->
typ -> 'a
val split_IHs : (string -> 'info) * ('info -> bool list) * string list -> typ list -> thm list -> thm list list
val std_recursor_tac : (string -> 'info) * ('info -> bool list) * string list ->
typ list ->
('info -> thm) ->
thm list -> typ -> thm list -> Proof.context -> tactic
val typ_and_vs_of_typname : theory -> string -> sort -> typ * (string * sort) list
val typ_and_vs_of_used_typname : string -> bool list -> string list -> typ * (string * string list) list
val freeify_tvars : typ -> typ
val add_used_tycos : Proof.context -> string -> string list -> string list
val type_parameters : typ -> Proof.context -> (string * sort) list * typ list
val define_overloaded : (string * term) -> local_theory -> thm * local_theory
val define_overloaded_generic : (Attrib.binding * term) -> local_theory -> thm * local_theory
val mk_id : typ -> term
val mk_def : typ -> string -> term -> term
val mk_infer_const : string -> Proof.context -> term -> term
val ind_case_to_idxs : 'a list list -> int -> int * int
val create_partial :
'a ->
(typ -> bool) ->
(local_theory -> string -> bool list) ->
(local_theory -> string -> term) ->
(local_theory -> string -> 'a -> term) ->
string list ->
(local_theory -> string -> 'a) ->
typ ->
local_theory -> term
val create_map :
(typ -> term) ->
(string * typ -> 'a -> term) ->
'a ->
(typ -> bool) ->
(local_theory -> string -> bool list) ->
(local_theory -> string -> term) ->
(local_theory -> string -> 'a -> term) ->
string list ->
(local_theory -> string -> 'a) ->
typ ->
local_theory -> term
structure Generator_Aux : GENERATOR_AUX =
fun alist_to_string al = map fst al |> commas |> enclose "(" ")"
fun typ_and_vs_of_used_typname typ_name used_pos sort =
val sorts = map (fn b => if b then sort else @{sort type}) used_pos
val ty_vars = Name.invent_names (Name.make_context [typ_name]) "a" sorts
val ty = Type (typ_name,map TFree ty_vars)
fun is_class_instance thy tname class =
Sorts.has_instance (Sign.classes_of thy) tname class
fun conjI_tac conj_thms ctxt xs tac =
if null xs then all_tac
(K (Method.try_intros_tac ctxt conj_thms [])
THEN_ALL_NEW (fn k' =>
Subgoal.SUBPROOF (fn {context = ctxt', ...} => tac ctxt' (k' - 1)) ctxt k'))
fun mk_id T =
let val x = Free ("x", T)
in lambda x x end
fun create_gen mk_comp dfun mk_p x early_abort up mfun pfun tycos read T lthy =
fun create x (T as (Type (tyco, Ts))) =
if early_abort T then mk_id dummyT
else if member (op =) tycos tyco then mk_p (tyco, T) x
val x' = read lthy tyco
val ts = (up lthy tyco ~~ Ts) |> map (fn (used, T) =>
if used then create x' T else dfun dummyT)
in mk_comp (pfun lthy tyco x, list_comb (mfun lthy tyco, ts)) end
| create _ _ = mk_id dummyT
in create x T end
fun create_partial x = create_gen HOLogic.mk_comp mk_id ((K o K) (mk_id dummyT)) x
fun create_map dfun mk_p x = create_gen snd dfun mk_p x
fun drop_last [] = raise Empty
| drop_last (x::xs) =
fun init _ [] = []
| init x (y::ys) = x :: init y ys
in init x xs end
fun rename_types [] t = t
| rename_types ((t1, t2) :: ts) t =
if t1 = t2 then rename_types ts t
let val swap = [(t1, t2), (t2, t1)]
(map (apfst (typ_subst_atomic swap)) ts)
(subst_atomic_types swap t)
fun sub s = Symbol.explode s |> map (fn c => "⇩" ^ c) |> implode
fun subT name T = name ^ sub
(case T of
TVar (xi, _) => Term.string_of_vname xi
| TFree (x, _) => x
| Type (tyco, _) => tyco)
val ints_to_subscript = sub o foldr1 (fn (x, y) => x ^ "_" ^ y) o map string_of_int
fun ind_case_to_idxs cTys=
fun number n (i, j) ((_ :: xs) :: ys) = (n, (i, j)) :: number (n+1) (i, j+1) (xs :: ys)
| number n (i, _) ([] :: ys) = number n (i+1, 0) ys
| number _ _ [] = []
in AList.lookup (op =) (number 0 (0, 0) cTys) #> the end
fun add_used_tfrees ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
fun err_schematic T =
error ("illegal schematic type variable " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T))
fun add _ (T as TVar _) = err_schematic T
| add _ (TFree (x, _)) = insert (op =) x
| add skip (Type (tyco, Ts)) =
if member (op =) skip tyco then I
(case BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar_of ctxt tyco of
NONE => fold (add skip) Ts
| SOME _ =>
BNF_LFP_Compat.the_spec thy tyco
|>> map TFree |>> (fn x => x ~~ Ts) ||> map snd ||> flat
|> uncurry (map o typ_subst_atomic)
|> fold (add (insert (op =) tyco skip)))
in add [] end
fun add_tycos (Type (tyco, Ts)) = insert (op =) tyco #> fold add_tycos Ts
| add_tycos _ = I
fun add_used_tycos ctxt tyco =
(case BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar_of ctxt tyco of
| SOME sugar => #fp_ctr_sugar sugar |> #ctrXs_Tss |> flat |> fold add_tycos)
fun infer_type ctxt =
map_types (map_type_tvar (K dummyT))
#> singleton (Type_Infer_Context.infer_types ctxt)
val lambdas = fold_rev lambda
fun mk_def T c rhs = Logic.mk_equals (Const (c, T), rhs)
fun OF_option thm thms = thm OF map (the_default @{lemma "P ⟹ P" by simp}) thms
fun typ_and_vs_of_typname thy typ_name sort =
val ar = Sign.arity_number thy typ_name
val sorts = map (K sort) (1 upto ar)
val ty_vars = Name.invent_names (Name.make_context [typ_name]) "a" sorts
val ty = Type (typ_name,map TFree ty_vars)
in (ty,ty_vars) end
fun define_overloaded_generic (binding,eq) lthy =
val ((c, _), rhs) = eq |> Syntax.check_term lthy |>
Logic.dest_equals |>> dest_Free;
val ((_, (_, thm)), lthy') = Local_Theory.define
(( c, NoSyn), (binding, rhs)) lthy
val ctxt_thy = Proof_Context.init_global (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy');
val thm' = singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy' ctxt_thy) thm
in (thm', lthy')
fun define_overloaded (name,eq) = define_overloaded_generic (( name, @{attributes [code]}),eq)
fun mk_case_tac ctxt insts thm sub_case_tac =
(DETERM o Induct.cases_tac ctxt false insts (SOME thm) []
THEN_ALL_NEW (fn i =>
Subgoal.SUBPROOF (fn {context = ctxt, prems = hyps, params = params, ...} =>
sub_case_tac (i-1) (ctxt, hyps, params)) ctxt i))
val freeify_tvars = map_type_tvar (TFree o apfst fst)
fun mutual_recursive_types tyco lthy =
(case BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar_of lthy tyco of
SOME sugar =>
if Sign.arity_number (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) tyco -
BNF_Def.live_of_bnf (#fp_bnf sugar) > 0
then error "only datatypes without dead type parameters are supported"
else if #fp sugar = BNF_Util.Least_FP then
sugar |> #fp_res |> #Ts |> `(map (fst o dest_Type))
||> map freeify_tvars
else error "only least fixpoints are supported"
| NONE => error ("type " ^ quote tyco ^ " does not appear to be a new style datatype"))
fun type_parameters T lthy =
val tfrees = T |> dest_Type |> snd |> map dest_TFree
val used_tfrees =
inter (op =) (add_used_tfrees lthy T []) (map fst tfrees)
|> map (fn a => TFree (a, AList.lookup (op =) tfrees a |> the))
in (tfrees, used_tfrees) end
fun sum_list xs = fold (curry (op +)) xs 0
fun mk_infer_const name ctxt c = infer_type ctxt (Const (name, dummyT) $ c)
fun prove_multi_future ctxt = Goal.prove_common ctxt (SOME ~1)
fun recursor rec_info all free tvar r typ (T as Type (tyco,Ts)) =
if member (op =) (#3 rec_info) tyco then r T
val (get_info,get_used,_) = rec_info
val info = get_info tyco
val up = get_used info
val recs = (if all then map (pair true) Ts else up ~~ Ts) |> map (fn (b, T) =>
if b then (T, SOME (recursor rec_info all free tvar r typ T)) else (T, NONE))
in typ (recs, info) end
| recursor _ _ free _ _ _ (T as TFree _) = free T
| recursor _ _ _ tvar _ _ (T as TVar _) = tvar T
fun num_IHs rec_info = recursor rec_info true (K 0) (K 0) (K 1)
(fn (xs, _) => sum_list (map (the o snd) xs))
fun split_IHs rec_info (ty :: tys : typ list) (IHs : thm list) : thm list list =
val n = num_IHs rec_info ty
val _ = if n > length IHs then error "split IH error: too few" else ()
take n IHs :: split_IHs rec_info tys (drop n IHs)
| split_IHs _ [] [] = []
| split_IHs _ [] (_ :: _) = error "split IH error: too many"
fun std_recursor_tac rec_info used_tfrees info_to_pthm assms = recursor rec_info false
(fn T => fn IH => fn ctxt =>
if null IH then
(resolve_tac ctxt [nth assms (find_index (equal T) used_tfrees)] THEN_ALL_NEW blast_tac ctxt) 1
else error "error 1 in distributing IHs in recursor_tac")
(fn ty => error ("error in recursor_tac for " ^ @{make_string} ty))
(K (fn IHs => fn ctxt =>
if length IHs = 1 then
(resolve_tac ctxt [hd IHs] THEN_ALL_NEW blast_tac ctxt) 1
else error "error 2 in distributing IHs in recursor_tac"))
(fn (tys_tactics, info) => fn IH => fn ctxt =>
val IHs = split_IHs rec_info (map fst tys_tactics) IH
val tactics = tys_tactics ~~ IHs |> map_filter (fn ((_, tac_opt), IH) => (fn f => f IH) tac_opt)
val pthm = info_to_pthm info
resolve_tac ctxt [pthm]
THEN_ALL_NEW (fn k => Subgoal.SUBPROOF (fn {prems, context = ctxt', ...} =>
Method.insert_tac ctxt' prems 1
THEN (nth tactics (k - 1) ctxt')) ctxt k))