File ‹code_test.ML›
signature CODE_TEST =
val add_driver:
string * ((Proof.context -> (string * string) list * string -> Path.T -> string) * string) ->
theory -> theory
val debug: bool Config.T
val test_terms: Proof.context -> term list -> string -> unit
val test_code_cmd: string list -> string list -> Proof.context -> unit
val eval_term: string -> Proof.context -> term -> term
val check_settings: string -> string -> string -> unit
val compile: string -> string -> unit
val evaluate: string -> string -> string
val evaluate_in_polyml: Proof.context -> (string * string) list * string -> Path.T -> string
val evaluate_in_mlton: Proof.context -> (string * string) list * string -> Path.T -> string
val evaluate_in_smlnj: Proof.context -> (string * string) list * string -> Path.T -> string
val evaluate_in_ocaml: Proof.context -> (string * string) list * string -> Path.T -> string
val ghc_options: string Config.T
val evaluate_in_ghc: Proof.context -> (string * string) list * string -> Path.T -> string
val evaluate_in_scala: Proof.context -> (string * string) list * string -> Path.T -> string
val target_Scala: string
val target_Haskell: string
structure Code_Test: CODE_TEST =
fun mk_tuples [] = \<^Const>‹Unity›
| mk_tuples [t] = t
| mk_tuples (t :: ts) = HOLogic.mk_prod (t, mk_tuples ts)
fun dest_tuples \<^Const_>‹Pair _ _ for l r› = l :: dest_tuples r
| dest_tuples t = [t]
fun last_field sep str =
val n = size sep
val len = size str
fun find i =
if i < 0 then NONE
else if String.substring (str, i, n) = sep then SOME i
else find (i - 1)
(case find (len - n) of
| SOME i => SOME (String.substring (str, 0, i), String.extract (str, i + n, NONE)))
fun split_first_last start stop s =
(case first_field start s of
| SOME (initial, rest) =>
(case last_field stop rest of
| SOME (middle, tail) => SOME (initial, middle, tail)))
structure Drivers = Theory_Data
type T =
(string * ((Proof.context -> (string * string) list * string -> Path.T -> string) * string)) list
val empty = []
fun merge data : T = AList.merge (op =) (K true) data
val add_driver = o AList.update (op =)
val get_driver = AList.lookup (op =) o Drivers.get
val success = "True"
val failure = "False"
val start_marker = "*@*Isabelle/Code_Test-start*@*"
val end_marker = "*@*Isabelle/Code_Test-end*@*"
fun parse_line line =
if String.isPrefix success line then (true, NONE)
else if String.isPrefix failure line then (false,
if size line > size failure then
String.extract (line, size failure, NONE)
|> YXML.parse_body
|> Term_XML.Decode.term_raw
|> dest_tuples
else NONE)
else raise Fail ("Cannot parse result of evaluation:\n" ^ line)
fun parse_result target out =
(case split_first_last start_marker end_marker out of
NONE => error ("Evaluation failed for " ^ target ^ "!\nCompiler output:\n" ^ out)
| SOME (_, middle, _) => middle |> trim_split_lines |> map parse_line)
fun pretty_eval _ NONE _ = []
| pretty_eval ctxt (SOME evals) ts =
Pretty.big_list "Evaluated terms"
(map (fn (t, eval) => Pretty.block
[Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "=", Pretty.brk 1,
Syntax.pretty_term ctxt eval])
(ts ~~ evals))]
fun pretty_failure ctxt target (((_, evals), query), eval_ts) =
Pretty.block (Pretty.text ("Test in " ^ target ^ " failed for") @
[Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt query)] @
pretty_eval ctxt evals eval_ts)
fun pretty_failures ctxt target failures =
Pretty.blk (0, Pretty.fbreaks (map (pretty_failure ctxt target) failures))
val debug = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>‹test_code_debug› (K false)
fun with_debug_dir name f =
(Path.explode "$ISABELLE_HOME_USER" + Path.basic (name ^ serial_string ()))
|> Isabelle_System.make_directory
|> f
fun dynamic_value_strict ctxt t compiler =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val (driver, target) =
(case get_driver thy compiler of
NONE => error ("No driver for target " ^ compiler)
| SOME drv => drv)
val with_dir = if Config.get ctxt debug then with_debug_dir else Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir
fun eval result =
with_dir "Code_Test"
(driver ctxt ((apfst o map) (apfst Long_Name.implode #> apsnd Bytes.content) result))
|> parse_result compiler
fun evaluator program _ vs_ty deps =
Exn.result eval (Code_Target.compilation_text ctxt target program deps true vs_ty)
fun postproc f = map (apsnd ( (map f)))
in Exn.release (Code_Thingol.dynamic_value ctxt (Exn.map_res o postproc) evaluator t) end
fun add_eval \<^Const_>‹Trueprop for t› = add_eval t
| add_eval \<^Const_>‹HOL.eq _ for lhs rhs› = (fn acc =>
|> add_eval rhs
|> add_eval lhs
|> cons rhs
|> cons lhs)
| add_eval \<^Const_>‹Not for t› = add_eval t
| add_eval \<^Const_>‹less_eq _ for lhs rhs› = (fn acc => lhs :: rhs :: acc)
| add_eval \<^Const_>‹less _ for lhs rhs› = (fn acc => lhs :: rhs :: acc)
| add_eval _ = I
fun mk_term_of [] = \<^Const>‹None \<^typ>‹unit ⇒ yxml_of_term››
| mk_term_of ts =
val tuple = mk_tuples ts
val T = fastype_of tuple
\<^Const>‹Some \<^typ>‹unit ⇒ yxml_of_term› for
‹absdummy \<^Type>‹unit›
\<^Const>‹yxml_string_of_term for \<^Const>‹Code_Evaluation.term_of T for tuple››››
fun test_terms ctxt ts target =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
fun term_of t = Sign.of_sort thy (fastype_of t, \<^sort>‹term_of›)
fun ensure_bool t =
(case fastype_of t of
\<^Type>‹bool› => ()
| _ =>
error (Pretty.string_of
(Pretty.block [Pretty.str "Test case not of type bool:", Pretty.brk 1,
Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t])))
val _ = ensure_bool ts
val evals = map (fn t => filter term_of (add_eval t [])) ts
val eval = map mk_term_of evals
val t =
HOLogic.mk_list \<^typ>‹bool × (unit ⇒ yxml_of_term) option›
(map HOLogic.mk_prod (ts ~~ eval))
val result = dynamic_value_strict ctxt t target
val failed =
filter_out (fst o fst o fst) (result ~~ ts ~~ evals)
handle ListPair.UnequalLengths =>
error ("Evaluation failed!\nWrong number of test results: " ^ string_of_int (length result))
(case failed of
[] => ()
| _ => error (Pretty.string_of (pretty_failures ctxt target failed)))
fun test_code_cmd raw_ts targets ctxt =
val ts = Syntax.read_terms ctxt raw_ts
val frees = fold Term.add_frees ts []
val _ =
if null frees then ()
else error (Pretty.string_of
(Pretty.block (Pretty.str "Terms contain free variables:" :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
Pretty.commas (map (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt o Free) frees))))
in (test_terms ctxt ts) targets end
fun eval_term target ctxt t =
val frees = Term.add_frees t []
val _ =
if null frees then ()
error (Pretty.string_of
(Pretty.block (Pretty.str "Term contains free variables:" :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
Pretty.commas (map (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt o Free) frees))))
val T = fastype_of t
val _ =
if Sign.of_sort (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (T, \<^sort>‹term_of›) then ()
else error ("Type " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T ^
" of term not of sort " ^ Syntax.string_of_sort ctxt \<^sort>‹term_of›)
val t' =
HOLogic.mk_list \<^typ>‹bool × (unit ⇒ yxml_of_term) option›
[HOLogic.mk_prod (\<^Const>‹False›, mk_term_of [t])]
val result = dynamic_value_strict ctxt t' target
in (case result of [(_, SOME [t])] => t | _ => error "Evaluation failed") end
fun check_settings compiler var descr =
if getenv var = "" then
error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.para
("Environment variable " ^ var ^ " is not set. To test code generation with " ^
compiler ^ ", set this variable to your " ^ descr ^
" in the $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings file.")))
else ()
fun compile compiler cmd =
let val (out, ret) = Isabelle_System.bash_output cmd in
if ret = 0 then ()
else error ("Compilation with " ^ compiler ^ " failed:\n" ^ cmd ^ "\n" ^ out)
fun evaluate compiler cmd =
let val (out, res) = Isabelle_System.bash_output cmd in
if res = 0 then out
else error ("Evaluation for " ^ compiler ^ " terminated with error code " ^
string_of_int res ^ "\nCompiler output:\n" ^ out)
val polymlN = "PolyML"
fun evaluate_in_polyml (_: Proof.context) (code_files, value_name) dir =
val code_path = dir + Path.basic "generated.sml"
val driver_path = dir + Path.basic "driver.sml"
val out_path = dir + Path.basic "out"
val code = #2 (the_single code_files)
val driver = ▩‹
fun main () =
fun format (true, _) = › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string success ^ ▩‹ ^ "\n"
| format (false, NONE) = › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string failure ^ ▩‹ ^ "\n"
| format (false, SOME t) = › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string failure ^ ▩‹ ^ t () ^ "\n"
val result = › ^ value_name ^ ▩‹ ()
val result_text = › ^
ML_Syntax.print_string start_marker ^
▩‹ ^ String.concat (map format result) ^ › ^
ML_Syntax.print_string end_marker ^ ▩‹
val out = BinIO.openOut › ^ ML_Syntax.print_platform_path out_path ^ ▩‹
val _ = BinIO.output (out, Byte.stringToBytes result_text)
val _ = BinIO.closeOut out
in () end;
val _ = File.write code_path code
val _ = File.write driver_path driver
val _ =
{environment = ML_Env.SML, redirect = false, verbose = false, catch_all = true,
debug = NONE, writeln = writeln, warning = warning}
(ML_Lex.read_text (code, Position.file (File.symbolic_path code_path)) @
ML_Lex.read_text (driver, Position.file (File.symbolic_path driver_path)) @ "main ()")
handle ERROR msg => error ("Evaluation for " ^ polymlN ^ " failed:\n" ^ msg)
in out_path end
val mltonN = "MLton"
fun evaluate_in_mlton (_: Proof.context) (code_files, value_name) dir =
val compiler = mltonN
val generatedN = "generated.sml"
val driverN = "driver.sml"
val projectN = "test"
val code_path = dir + Path.basic generatedN
val driver_path = dir + Path.basic driverN
val basis_path = dir + Path.basic (projectN ^ ".mlb")
val driver = ▩‹
fun format (true, _) = › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string success ^ ▩‹ ^ "\n"
| format (false, NONE) = › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string failure ^ ▩‹ ^ "\n"
| format (false, SOME t) = › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string failure ^ ▩‹ ^ t () ^ "\n"
val result = › ^ value_name ^ ▩‹ ()
val _ = print › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string start_marker ^ ▩‹
val _ = (print o format) result
val _ = print › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string end_marker ^ ▩‹
val _ = check_settings compiler ISABELLE_MLTON "MLton executable"
val _ = (File.write code_path o snd) code_files
val _ = File.write driver_path driver
val _ = File.write basis_path ("$(SML_LIB)/basis/\n" ^ generatedN ^ "\n" ^ driverN)
compile compiler
(▩‹"$ISABELLE_MLTON" $ISABELLE_MLTON_OPTIONS -default-type intinf › ^
File.bash_platform_path basis_path);
evaluate compiler (File.bash_platform_path (dir + Path.basic projectN))
val smlnjN = "SMLNJ"
fun evaluate_in_smlnj (_: Proof.context) (code_files, value_name) dir =
val compiler = smlnjN
val generatedN = "generated.sml"
val driverN = "driver.sml"
val code_path = dir + Path.basic generatedN
val driver_path = dir + Path.basic driverN
val driver = ▩‹
structure Test =
fun main () =
fun format (true, _) = › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string success ^ ▩‹ ^ "\n"
| format (false, NONE) = › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string failure ^ ▩‹ ^ "\n"
| format (false, SOME t) = › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string failure ^ ▩‹ ^ t () ^ "\n"
val result = › ^ value_name ^ ▩‹ ()
val _ = print › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string start_marker ^ ▩‹
val _ = (print o format) result
val _ = print › ^ ML_Syntax.print_string end_marker ^ ▩‹
in 0 end
val _ = check_settings compiler ISABELLE_SMLNJ "SMLNJ executable"
val _ = (File.write code_path o snd) code_files
val _ = File.write driver_path driver
val ml_source =
"Control.MC.matchRedundantError := false; Control.MC.matchRedundantWarn := false;" ^
"use " ^ ML_Syntax.print_string (File.platform_path code_path) ^
"; use " ^ ML_Syntax.print_string (File.platform_path driver_path) ^
"; Test.main ();"
in evaluate compiler ("echo " ^ Bash.string ml_source ^ " | \"$ISABELLE_SMLNJ\"") end
val ocamlN = "OCaml"
fun evaluate_in_ocaml (_: Proof.context) (code_files, value_name) dir =
val compiler = ocamlN
val code_path = dir + Path.basic ""
val driver_path = dir + Path.basic ""
val driver =
"let format_term = function\n" ^
" | None -> \"\"\n" ^
" | Some t -> t ();;\n" ^
"let format = function\n" ^
" | (true, _) -> \"" ^ success ^ "\\n\"\n" ^
" | (false, x) -> \"" ^ failure ^ "\" ^ format_term x ^ \"\\n\";;\n" ^
"let result = " ^ ("Generated." ^ value_name) ^ " ();;\n" ^
"let main x =\n" ^
" let _ = print_string \"" ^ start_marker ^ "\" in\n" ^
" let _ = (fun x -> print_string (format x)) result in\n" ^
" print_string \"" ^ end_marker ^ "\";;\n" ^
"main ();;"
val compiled_path = dir + Path.basic "test"
val _ = check_settings compiler ISABELLE_OCAMLFIND "ocamlfind executable"
val _ = (File.write code_path o snd) code_files
val _ = File.write driver_path driver
val cmd =
"\"$ISABELLE_OCAMLFIND\" ocamlopt -w pu -package zarith -linkpkg" ^
" -o " ^ File.bash_path compiled_path ^ " -I " ^ File.bash_path dir ^ " " ^
File.bash_path code_path ^ " " ^ File.bash_path driver_path ^ " </dev/null"
in compile compiler cmd; evaluate compiler (File.bash_path compiled_path) end
val ghcN = "GHC"
val ghc_options = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>‹code_test_ghc› (K "")
fun evaluate_in_ghc ctxt (code_files, value_name) dir =
val compiler = ghcN
val modules = map fst code_files
val driver_path = dir + Path.basic "Main.hs"
val driver =
"module Main where {\n" ^
implode (map (fn module => "import qualified " ^ unsuffix ".hs" module ^ ";\n") modules) ^
"main = do {\n" ^
" let {\n" ^
" format_term Nothing = \"\";\n" ^
" format_term (Just t) = t ();\n" ^
" format (True, _) = \"" ^ success ^ "\\n\";\n" ^
" format (False, to) = \"" ^ failure ^ "\" ++ format_term to ++ \"\\n\";\n" ^
" result = " ^ value_name ^ " ();\n" ^
" };\n" ^
" Prelude.putStr \"" ^ start_marker ^ "\";\n" ^
" Prelude.mapM_ (putStr . format) result;\n" ^
" Prelude.putStr \"" ^ end_marker ^ "\";\n" ^
" }\n" ^
val _ = check_settings compiler ISABELLE_GHC "GHC executable"
val _ = (fn (name, code) => File.write (dir + Path.basic name) code) code_files
val _ = File.write driver_path driver
val compiled_path = dir + Path.basic "test"
val cmd =
"\"$ISABELLE_GHC\" " ^ Code_Haskell.language_params ^ " " ^
Config.get ctxt ghc_options ^ " -o " ^
File.bash_platform_path compiled_path ^ " " ^
File.bash_platform_path driver_path ^ " -i" ^
File.bash_platform_path dir
in compile compiler cmd; evaluate compiler (File.bash_path compiled_path) end
val scalaN = "Scala"
fun evaluate_in_scala (_: Proof.context) (code_files, value_name) dir =
val generatedN = "Generated_Code"
val driverN = "Driver.scala"
val code_path = dir + Path.basic (generatedN ^ ".scala")
val driver_path = dir + Path.basic driverN
val out_path = dir + Path.basic "out"
val code = #2 (the_single code_files)
val driver = ▩‹
val result = › ^ value_name ^ ▩‹(())
val result_text =
case (true, _) => "True\n"
case (false, None) => "False\n"
case (false, Some(t)) => "False" + t(()) + "\n"
isabelle.Path.explode(› ^ quote (File.standard_path out_path) ^ ▩‹),
› ^ quote start_marker ^ ▩‹ + result_text + › ^ quote end_marker ^ ▩‹)
val _ = File.write code_path code
val _ = File.write driver_path driver
val _ = Scala_Compiler.toplevel (code ^ driver)
handle ERROR msg => error ("Evaluation for " ^ scalaN ^ " failed:\n" ^ msg)
in out_path end
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>‹test_code›
"compile test cases to target languages, execute them and report results"
(Scan.repeat1 Parse.prop -- (\<^keyword>‹in› |-- Scan.repeat1
>> (fn (ts, targets) => Toplevel.keep (test_code_cmd ts targets o Toplevel.context_of)))
val target_Scala = "Scala_eval"
val target_Haskell = "Haskell_eval"
val _ =
(Code_Target.add_derived_target (target_Scala, [(, I)]) #>
Code_Target.add_derived_target (target_Haskell, [(, I)]) #>
fold add_driver
[(polymlN, (evaluate_in_polyml, Code_ML.target_SML)),
(mltonN, (evaluate_in_mlton, Code_ML.target_SML)),
(smlnjN, (evaluate_in_smlnj, Code_ML.target_SML)),
(ocamlN, (evaluate_in_ocaml, Code_ML.target_OCaml)),
(ghcN, (evaluate_in_ghc, target_Haskell)),
(scalaN, (evaluate_in_scala, target_Scala))] #>
fold (fn target => Value_Command.add_evaluator ( target, eval_term target) #> #2)
[polymlN, mltonN, smlnjN, ocamlN, ghcN, scalaN])