File ‹Tools/Quickcheck/quickcheck_common.ML›
val compat_prefs : BNF_LFP_Compat.preference list
val strip_imp : term -> (term list * term)
val reflect_bool : bool -> term
val define_functions : ((term list -> term list) * (Proof.context -> tactic) option)
-> string -> string list -> string list -> typ list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val perhaps_constrain: theory -> (typ * sort) list -> (string * sort) list
-> (string * sort -> string * sort) option
val instantiate_goals: Proof.context -> (string * typ) list -> (term * term list) list
-> (typ option * (term * term list)) list list
val register_predicate : term * string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val mk_safe_if : term -> term -> term * term * (bool -> term) -> bool -> term
val collect_results : ('a -> Quickcheck.result) -> 'a list ->
Quickcheck.result list -> Quickcheck.result list
type result = (bool * term list) option * option
type generator = string * ((theory -> typ list -> bool) *
(Proof.context -> (term * term list) list -> bool -> int list -> result))
val generator_test_goal_terms :
generator -> Proof.context -> bool -> (string * typ) list
-> (term * term list) list -> Quickcheck.result list
type instantiation =
Old_Datatype_Aux.config -> Old_Datatype_Aux.descr -> (string * sort) list ->
string list -> string -> string list * string list -> typ list * typ list -> theory -> theory
val ensure_sort :
(((sort * sort) * sort) *
((theory -> string list -> Old_Datatype_Aux.descr * (string * sort) list * string list
* string * (string list * string list) * (typ list * typ list)) * instantiation)) ->
Old_Datatype_Aux.config -> string list -> theory -> theory
val ensure_common_sort_datatype : (sort * instantiation) -> Old_Datatype_Aux.config ->
string list -> theory -> theory
val datatype_interpretation : string -> sort * instantiation -> theory -> theory
val gen_mk_parametric_generator_expr :
(((Proof.context -> term * term list -> term) * term) * typ) ->
Proof.context -> (term * term list) list -> term
val mk_fun_upd : typ -> typ -> term * term -> term -> term
val post_process_term : term -> term
val test_term : generator -> Proof.context -> bool -> term * term list -> Quickcheck.result
structure Quickcheck_Common : QUICKCHECK_COMMON =
val compat_prefs = [BNF_LFP_Compat.Include_GFPs]
val define_foundationally = false
fun strip_imp (Const(\<^const_name>‹HOL.implies›, _) $ A $ B) = apfst (cons A) (strip_imp B)
| strip_imp A = ([], A)
fun reflect_bool b = if b then \<^term>‹True› else \<^term>‹False›
fun mk_undefined T = Const (\<^const_name>‹undefined›, T)
type result = (bool * term list) option * option
type generator =
string * ((theory -> typ list -> bool) *
(Proof.context -> (term * term list) list -> bool -> int list -> result))
fun check_test_term t =
val _ =
(null (Term.add_tvars t []) andalso null (Term.add_tfrees t [])) orelse
error "Term to be tested contains type variables"
val _ =
null (Term.add_vars t []) orelse
error "Term to be tested contains schematic variables"
in () end
fun cpu_time description e =
let val ({cpu, ...}, result) = Timing.timing e ()
in (result, (description, Time.toMilliseconds cpu)) end
fun test_term (name, (_, compile)) ctxt catch_code_errors (t, eval_terms) =
val genuine_only = Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.genuine_only
val abort_potential = Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.abort_potential
val _ = check_test_term t
val names = Term.add_free_names t []
val current_size = Unsynchronized.ref 0
val current_result = Unsynchronized.ref Quickcheck.empty_result
val act = if catch_code_errors then try else (fn f => SOME o f)
val (test_fun, comp_time) =
cpu_time "quickcheck compilation" (fn () => act (compile ctxt) [(t, eval_terms)])
val _ = Quickcheck.add_timing comp_time current_result
fun with_size test_fun genuine_only k =
if k > Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.size then NONE
val _ =
Quickcheck.verbose_message ctxt
("[Quickcheck-" ^ name ^ "] Test data size: " ^ string_of_int k)
val _ = current_size := k
val ((result, report), time) =
cpu_time ("size " ^ string_of_int k) (fn () => test_fun genuine_only [1, k - 1])
val _ =
if Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.timing then
Quickcheck.verbose_message ctxt (fst time ^ ": " ^ string_of_int (snd time) ^ " ms")
else ()
val _ = Quickcheck.add_timing time current_result
val _ = Quickcheck.add_report k report current_result
(case result of
NONE => with_size test_fun genuine_only (k + 1)
| SOME (true, ts) => SOME (true, ts)
| SOME (false, ts) =>
if abort_potential then SOME (false, ts)
val (ts1, ts2) = chop (length names) ts
val (eval_terms', _) = chop (length ts2) eval_terms
val cex = SOME ((false, names ~~ ts1), eval_terms' ~~ ts2)
Quickcheck.message ctxt
(Pretty.string_of (Quickcheck.pretty_counterex ctxt false cex));
Quickcheck.message ctxt "Quickcheck continues to find a genuine counterexample...";
with_size test_fun true k
case test_fun of
(Quickcheck.message ctxt ("Conjecture is not executable with Quickcheck-" ^ name);
| SOME test_fun =>
val _ = Quickcheck.message ctxt ("Testing conjecture with Quickcheck-" ^ name ^ "...")
val (response, exec_time) =
cpu_time "quickcheck execution" (fn () => with_size test_fun genuine_only 1)
val _ = Quickcheck.add_response names eval_terms response current_result
val _ = Quickcheck.add_timing exec_time current_result
in !current_result end
fun test_term_with_cardinality (name, (size_matters_for, compile)) ctxt catch_code_errors ts =
val genuine_only = Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.genuine_only
val abort_potential = Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.abort_potential
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val (ts', eval_terms) = split_list ts
val _ = map check_test_term ts'
val names = Term.add_free_names (hd ts') []
val Ts = map snd (Term.add_frees (hd ts') [])
val current_result = Unsynchronized.ref Quickcheck.empty_result
fun test_card_size test_fun genuine_only (card, size) =
val _ =
Quickcheck.verbose_message ctxt ("[Quickcheck-" ^ name ^ "] Test " ^
(if size = 0 then "" else "data size: " ^ string_of_int size ^ " and ") ^
"cardinality: " ^ string_of_int card)
val (ts, timing) =
cpu_time ("size " ^ string_of_int size ^ " and card " ^ string_of_int card)
(fn () => fst (test_fun genuine_only [card, size + 1]))
val _ = Quickcheck.add_timing timing current_result
in (pair (card, size)) ts end
val enumeration_card_size =
if size_matters_for thy Ts then
map_product pair (1 upto (length ts)) (1 upto (Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.size))
|> sort (fn ((c1, s1), (c2, s2)) => int_ord ((c1 + s1), (c2 + s2)))
else map (rpair 0) (1 upto (length ts))
val act = if catch_code_errors then try else (fn f => SOME o f)
val (test_fun, comp_time) = cpu_time "quickcheck compilation" (fn () => act (compile ctxt) ts)
val _ = Quickcheck.add_timing comp_time current_result
(case test_fun of
(Quickcheck.message ctxt ("Conjecture is not executable with Quickcheck-" ^ name);
| SOME test_fun =>
val _ = Quickcheck.message ctxt ("Testing conjecture with Quickcheck-" ^ name ^ "...")
fun test genuine_only enum =
(case get_first (test_card_size test_fun genuine_only) enum of
SOME ((card, _), (true, ts)) =>
Quickcheck.add_response names (nth eval_terms (card - 1))
(SOME (true, ts)) current_result
| SOME ((card, size), (false, ts)) =>
if abort_potential then
Quickcheck.add_response names (nth eval_terms (card - 1))
(SOME (false, ts)) current_result
val (ts1, ts2) = chop (length names) ts
val (eval_terms', _) = chop (length ts2) (nth eval_terms (card - 1))
val cex = SOME ((false, names ~~ ts1), eval_terms' ~~ ts2)
Quickcheck.message ctxt
(Pretty.string_of (Quickcheck.pretty_counterex ctxt false cex));
Quickcheck.message ctxt
"Quickcheck continues to find a genuine counterexample...";
test true (drop_prefix (fn x => not (x = (card, size))) enum)
| NONE => ())
in (test genuine_only enumeration_card_size; !current_result) end)
fun get_finite_types ctxt =
fst (chop (Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.finite_type_size)
[\<^typ>‹Enum.finite_1›, \<^typ>‹Enum.finite_2›, \<^typ>‹Enum.finite_3›,
\<^typ>‹Enum.finite_4›, \<^typ>‹Enum.finite_5›])
exception WELLSORTED of string
fun monomorphic_term ctxt insts default_T =
(map_types o map_atyps)
(fn T as TFree (v, S) =>
let val T' = AList.lookup (op =) insts v |> the_default default_T in
if Sign.of_sort (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (T', S) then T'
raise WELLSORTED ("For instantiation with default_type " ^
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt default_T ^ ":\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T' ^
" to be substituted for variable " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T ^
" does not have sort " ^ Syntax.string_of_sort ctxt S)
| T => T)
datatype wellsorted_error = Wellsorted_Error of string | Term of term * term list
fun strip_all (Const (\<^const_name>‹HOL.All›, _) $ Abs (a, T, t)) =
let val (a', t') = strip_all t
in ((a, T) :: a', t') end
| strip_all t = ([], t)
fun preprocess ctxt t =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val dest = HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.prop_of
val rewrs =
map (swap o dest) @{thms all_simps} @
(map dest [@{thm not_ex}, @{thm not_all}, @{thm imp_conjL}, @{thm fun_eq_iff},
@{thm bot_fun_def}, @{thm less_bool_def}])
val t' = Pattern.rewrite_term thy rewrs [] (Object_Logic.atomize_term ctxt t)
val (vs, body) = strip_all t'
val vs' = Variable.variant_frees ctxt [t'] vs
in subst_bounds (map Free (rev vs'), body) end
structure Subtype_Predicates = Generic_Data
type T = (term * string) list
val empty = []
fun merge data : T = AList.merge (op =) (K true) data
val register_predicate = o AList.update (op =)
fun subtype_preprocess ctxt (T, (t, ts)) =
val preds = Subtype_Predicates.get (Context.Proof ctxt)
fun matches (p $ _) = AList.defined Term.could_unify preds p
fun get_match (p $ x) = (rpair x) (AList.lookup Term.could_unify preds p)
fun subst_of (tyco, v as Free (x, repT)) =
val [(info, _)] = Typedef.get_info ctxt tyco
val repT' = Logic.varifyT_global (#rep_type info)
val substT = Sign.typ_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (repT', repT) Vartab.empty
val absT = Envir.subst_type substT (Logic.varifyT_global (#abs_type info))
in (v, Const (#Rep_name info, absT --> repT) $ Free (x, absT)) end
val (prems, concl) = strip_imp t
val subst = map subst_of (map_filter get_match prems)
val t' = Term.subst_free subst
(fold_rev (curry HOLogic.mk_imp) (filter_out matches prems) concl)
in (T, (t', ts)) end
fun instantiate_goals ctxt insts goals =
fun map_goal_and_eval_terms f (check_goal, eval_terms) = (f check_goal, map f eval_terms)
val default_insts =
if Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.finite_types
then get_finite_types else Quickcheck.default_type
val inst_goals =
map (fn (check_goal, eval_terms) =>
if not (null (Term.add_tfree_names check_goal [])) then
map (fn T =>
(pair (SOME T) o Term o apfst (preprocess ctxt))
(map_goal_and_eval_terms (monomorphic_term ctxt insts T) (check_goal, eval_terms))
handle WELLSORTED s => (SOME T, Wellsorted_Error s)) (default_insts ctxt)
else [(NONE, Term (preprocess ctxt check_goal, eval_terms))]) goals
val error_msg =
(maps (map_filter (fn (_, Term _) => NONE | (_, Wellsorted_Error s) => SOME s)) inst_goals)
fun is_wellsorted_term (T, Term t) = SOME (T, t)
| is_wellsorted_term (_, Wellsorted_Error _) = NONE
val correct_inst_goals =
(case map (map_filter is_wellsorted_term) inst_goals of
[[]] => error error_msg
| xs => xs)
val _ = if Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.quiet then () else warning error_msg
in correct_inst_goals end
fun mk_safe_if genuine_only none (cond, then_t, else_t) genuine =
val T = fastype_of then_t
val if_t = Const (\<^const_name>‹If›, \<^typ>‹bool› --> T --> T --> T)
Const (\<^const_name>‹Quickcheck_Random.catch_match›, T --> T --> T) $
(if_t $ cond $ then_t $ else_t genuine) $
(if_t $ genuine_only $ none $ else_t false)
fun collect_results _ [] results = results
| collect_results f (t :: ts) results =
let val result = f t in
if Quickcheck.found_counterexample result then result :: results
else collect_results f ts (result :: results)
fun generator_test_goal_terms generator ctxt catch_code_errors insts goals =
val use_subtype = Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.use_subtype
fun add_eval_term t ts = if is_Free t then ts else ts @ [t]
fun add_equation_eval_terms (t, eval_terms) =
(case try HOLogic.dest_eq (snd (strip_imp t)) of
SOME (lhs, rhs) => (t, add_eval_term lhs (add_eval_term rhs eval_terms))
| NONE => (t, eval_terms))
fun test_term' goal =
(case goal of
[(NONE, t)] => test_term generator ctxt catch_code_errors t
| ts => test_term_with_cardinality generator ctxt catch_code_errors (map snd ts))
val goals' =
instantiate_goals ctxt insts goals
|> (if use_subtype then map (map (subtype_preprocess ctxt)) else I)
|> map (map (apsnd add_equation_eval_terms))
if Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.finite_types then
collect_results test_term' goals' []
else collect_results (test_term generator ctxt catch_code_errors) (maps (map snd) goals') []
fun pat_completeness_auto ctxt =
Pat_Completeness.pat_completeness_tac ctxt 1 THEN auto_tac ctxt
fun define_functions (mk_equations, termination_tac) prfx argnames names Ts =
if define_foundationally andalso is_some termination_tac then
val eqs_t = mk_equations (map2 (fn name => fn T => Free (name, T)) names Ts)
(map (fn (name, T) => (Binding.concealed ( name), SOME T, NoSyn))
(names ~~ Ts))
(map (fn t => (((Binding.concealed Binding.empty, []), t), [], [])) eqs_t)
Function_Common.default_config pat_completeness_auto
#> snd
#> (fn lthy => Function.prove_termination NONE (the termination_tac lthy) lthy)
#> snd
fold_map (fn (name, T) => Local_Theory.define
((Binding.concealed ( name), NoSyn),
(apfst Binding.concealed Binding.empty_atts, mk_undefined T))
#> apfst fst) (names ~~ Ts)
#> (fn (consts, lthy) =>
val eqs_t = mk_equations consts
val eqs = map (fn eq => Goal.prove lthy argnames [] eq
(fn {context = ctxt, ...} => ALLGOALS (Skip_Proof.cheat_tac ctxt))) eqs_t
|> fold_map (fn (name, eq) => Local_Theory.note
(((Binding.qualify true prfx o Binding.qualify true name) ( "simps"), []), [eq]))
(names ~~ eqs)
|-> (fn notes => Code.declare_default_eqns (map (rpair true) (maps snd notes)))
type instantiation =
Old_Datatype_Aux.config -> Old_Datatype_Aux.descr -> (string * sort) list ->
string list -> string -> string list * string list -> typ list * typ list -> theory -> theory
fun perhaps_constrain thy insts raw_vs =
fun meet (T, sort) = Sorts.meet_sort (Sign.classes_of thy) (Logic.varifyT_global T, sort)
val vtab = Vartab.empty
|> fold (fn (v, sort) => Vartab.update ((v, 0), sort)) raw_vs
|> fold meet insts
in SOME (fn (v, _) => (v, (the o Vartab.lookup vtab) (v, 0))) end
handle Sorts.CLASS_ERROR _ => NONE
fun ensure_sort (((sort_vs, aux_sort), sort), (the_descr, instantiate)) config raw_tycos thy =
(case try (the_descr thy) raw_tycos of
NONE => thy
| SOME (descr, raw_vs, tycos, prfx, (names, auxnames), raw_TUs) =>
val algebra = Sign.classes_of thy
val vs = (map o apsnd) (curry (Sorts.inter_sort algebra) sort_vs) raw_vs
fun insts_of sort constr = (map (rpair sort) o flat o maps snd o maps snd)
(Old_Datatype_Aux.interpret_construction descr vs constr)
val insts = insts_of sort { atyp = single, dtyp = (K o K o K) [] }
@ insts_of aux_sort { atyp = K [], dtyp = K o K }
val has_inst = exists (fn tyco => Sorts.has_instance algebra tyco sort) tycos
if has_inst then thy
(case perhaps_constrain thy insts vs of
SOME constrain =>
instantiate config descr
(map constrain vs) tycos prfx (names, auxnames)
((apply2 o map o map_atyps) (fn TFree v => TFree (constrain v)) raw_TUs) thy
| NONE => thy)
fun ensure_common_sort_datatype (sort, instantiate) =
ensure_sort (((\<^sort>‹typerep›, \<^sort>‹term_of›), sort),
(fn thy => BNF_LFP_Compat.the_descr thy compat_prefs, instantiate))
fun datatype_interpretation name =
BNF_LFP_Compat.interpretation name compat_prefs o ensure_common_sort_datatype
fun gen_mk_parametric_generator_expr ((mk_generator_expr, out_of_bounds), T) ctxt ts =
val if_t = Const (\<^const_name>‹If›, \<^typ>‹bool› --> T --> T --> T)
fun mk_if (index, (t, eval_terms)) else_t =
if_t $ (HOLogic.eq_const \<^typ>‹natural› $ Bound 0 $ HOLogic.mk_number \<^typ>‹natural› index) $
(mk_generator_expr ctxt (t, eval_terms)) $ else_t
in absdummy \<^typ>‹natural› (fold_rev mk_if (1 upto (length ts) ~~ ts) out_of_bounds) end
fun dest_fun_upd (Const (\<^const_name>‹fun_upd›, _) $ t0 $ t1 $ t2) = (t0, (t1, t2))
| dest_fun_upd t = raise TERM ("dest_fun_upd", [t])
fun mk_fun_upd T1 T2 (t1, t2) t =
Const (\<^const_name>‹fun_upd›, (T1 --> T2) --> T1 --> T2 --> T1 --> T2) $ t $ t1 $ t2
fun dest_fun_upds t =
(case try dest_fun_upd t of
(case t of
Abs (_, _, _) => ([], t)
| _ => raise TERM ("dest_fun_upds", [t]))
| SOME (t0, (t1, t2)) => apfst (cons (t1, t2)) (dest_fun_upds t0))
fun make_fun_upds T1 T2 (tps, t) = fold_rev (mk_fun_upd T1 T2) tps t
fun make_set T1 [] = Const (\<^const_abbrev>‹Set.empty›, T1 --> \<^typ>‹bool›)
| make_set T1 ((_, \<^Const_>‹False›) :: tps) = make_set T1 tps
| make_set T1 ((t1, \<^Const_>‹True›) :: tps) =
Const (\<^const_name>‹insert›, T1 --> (T1 --> \<^typ>‹bool›) --> T1 --> \<^typ>‹bool›) $
t1 $ (make_set T1 tps)
| make_set T1 ((_, t) :: _) = raise TERM ("make_set", [t])
fun make_coset T [] = Const (\<^const_abbrev>‹UNIV›, T --> \<^typ>‹bool›)
| make_coset T tps =
val U = T --> \<^typ>‹bool›
fun invert \<^Const_>‹False› = \<^Const>‹True›
| invert \<^Const_>‹True› = \<^Const>‹False›
Const (\<^const_name>‹Groups.minus_class.minus›, U --> U --> U) $
Const (\<^const_abbrev>‹UNIV›, U) $ make_set T (map (apsnd invert) tps)
fun make_map T1 T2 [] = Const (\<^const_abbrev>‹Map.empty›, T1 --> T2)
| make_map T1 T2 ((_, Const (\<^const_name>‹None›, _)) :: tps) = make_map T1 T2 tps
| make_map T1 T2 ((t1, t2) :: tps) = mk_fun_upd T1 T2 (t1, t2) (make_map T1 T2 tps)
fun post_process_term t =
fun map_Abs f t =
(case t of
Abs (x, T, t') => Abs (x, T, f t')
| _ => raise TERM ("map_Abs", [t]))
fun process_args t =
(case strip_comb t of
(c as Const (_, _), ts) => list_comb (c, map post_process_term ts))
(case fastype_of t of
Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [T1, T2]) =>
(case try dest_fun_upds t of
SOME (tps, t) =>
(map (apply2 post_process_term) tps, map_Abs post_process_term t) |>
(case T2 of
\<^typ>‹bool› =>
(case t of
Abs(_, _, \<^Const_>‹False›) => fst #> rev #> make_set T1
| Abs(_, _, \<^Const_>‹True›) => fst #> rev #> make_coset T1
| Abs(_, _, Const (\<^const_name>‹undefined›, _)) => fst #> rev #> make_set T1
| _ => raise TERM ("post_process_term", [t]))
| Type (\<^type_name>‹option›, _) =>
(case t of
Abs(_, _, Const (\<^const_name>‹None›, _)) => fst #> make_map T1 T2
| Abs(_, _, Const (\<^const_name>‹undefined›, _)) => fst #> make_map T1 T2
| _ => make_fun_upds T1 T2)
| _ => make_fun_upds T1 T2)
| NONE => process_args t)
| _ => process_args t)