File ‹Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_rep.ML›
signature NITPICK_REP =
type polarity = Nitpick_Util.polarity
type scope = Nitpick_Scope.scope
datatype rep =
Any |
Formula of polarity |
Atom of int * int |
Struct of rep list |
Vect of int * rep |
Func of rep * rep |
Opt of rep
exception REP of string * rep list
val string_for_polarity : polarity -> string
val string_for_rep : rep -> string
val is_Func : rep -> bool
val is_Opt : rep -> bool
val is_opt_rep : rep -> bool
val flip_rep_polarity : rep -> rep
val card_of_rep : rep -> int
val arity_of_rep : rep -> int
val min_univ_card_of_rep : rep -> int
val is_one_rep : rep -> bool
val is_lone_rep : rep -> bool
val dest_Func : rep -> rep * rep
val lazy_range_rep : int Typtab.table -> typ -> (unit -> int) -> rep -> rep
val binder_reps : rep -> rep list
val body_rep : rep -> rep
val one_rep : int Typtab.table -> typ -> rep -> rep
val optable_rep : int Typtab.table -> typ -> rep -> rep
val opt_rep : int Typtab.table -> typ -> rep -> rep
val unopt_rep : rep -> rep
val min_rep : rep -> rep -> rep
val min_reps : rep list -> rep list -> rep list
val card_of_domain_from_rep : int -> rep -> int
val rep_to_binary_rel_rep : int Typtab.table -> typ -> rep -> rep
val best_one_rep_for_type : scope -> typ -> rep
val best_opt_set_rep_for_type : scope -> typ -> rep
val best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type : scope -> typ -> rep
val best_set_rep_for_type : scope -> typ -> rep
val best_non_opt_symmetric_reps_for_fun_type : scope -> typ -> rep * rep
val atom_schema_of_rep : rep -> (int * int) list
val atom_schema_of_reps : rep list -> (int * int) list
val type_schema_of_rep : typ -> rep -> typ list
val type_schema_of_reps : typ list -> rep list -> typ list
val all_combinations_for_rep : rep -> int list list
val all_combinations_for_reps : rep list -> int list list
structure Nitpick_Rep : NITPICK_REP =
open Nitpick_Util
open Nitpick_HOL
open Nitpick_Scope
datatype rep =
Any |
Formula of polarity |
Atom of int * int |
Struct of rep list |
Vect of int * rep |
Func of rep * rep |
Opt of rep
exception REP of string * rep list
fun string_for_polarity Pos = "+"
| string_for_polarity Neg = "-"
| string_for_polarity Neut = "="
fun atomic_string_for_rep rep =
let val s = string_for_rep rep in
if String.isPrefix "[" s orelse not (is_substring_of " " s) then s
else "(" ^ s ^ ")"
and string_for_rep Any = "X"
| string_for_rep (Formula polar) = "F" ^ string_for_polarity polar
| string_for_rep (Atom (k, j0)) =
"A" ^ string_of_int k ^ (if j0 = 0 then "" else "@" ^ string_of_int j0)
| string_for_rep (Struct rs) = "[" ^ commas (map string_for_rep rs) ^ "]"
| string_for_rep (Vect (k, R)) =
string_of_int k ^ " x " ^ atomic_string_for_rep R
| string_for_rep (Func (R1, R2)) =
atomic_string_for_rep R1 ^ " => " ^ string_for_rep R2
| string_for_rep (Opt R) = atomic_string_for_rep R ^ "?"
fun is_Func (Func _) = true
| is_Func _ = false
fun is_Opt (Opt _) = true
| is_Opt _ = false
fun is_opt_rep (Func (_, R2)) = is_opt_rep R2
| is_opt_rep (Opt _) = true
| is_opt_rep _ = false
fun card_of_rep Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.card_of_rep", [Any])
| card_of_rep (Formula _) = 2
| card_of_rep (Atom (k, _)) = k
| card_of_rep (Struct rs) = (map card_of_rep rs)
| card_of_rep (Vect (k, R)) = reasonable_power (card_of_rep R) k
| card_of_rep (Func (R1, R2)) =
reasonable_power (card_of_rep R2) (card_of_rep R1)
| card_of_rep (Opt R) = card_of_rep R
fun arity_of_rep Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.arity_of_rep", [Any])
| arity_of_rep (Formula _) = 0
| arity_of_rep (Atom _) = 1
| arity_of_rep (Struct Rs) = Integer.sum (map arity_of_rep Rs)
| arity_of_rep (Vect (k, R)) = k * arity_of_rep R
| arity_of_rep (Func (R1, R2)) = arity_of_rep R1 + arity_of_rep R2
| arity_of_rep (Opt R) = arity_of_rep R
fun min_univ_card_of_rep Any =
raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.min_univ_card_of_rep", [Any])
| min_univ_card_of_rep (Formula _) = 0
| min_univ_card_of_rep (Atom (k, j0)) = k + j0 + 1
| min_univ_card_of_rep (Struct Rs) =
fold Integer.max (map min_univ_card_of_rep Rs) 0
| min_univ_card_of_rep (Vect (_, R)) = min_univ_card_of_rep R
| min_univ_card_of_rep (Func (R1, R2)) =
Int.max (min_univ_card_of_rep R1, min_univ_card_of_rep R2)
| min_univ_card_of_rep (Opt R) = min_univ_card_of_rep R
fun is_one_rep (Atom _) = true
| is_one_rep (Struct _) = true
| is_one_rep (Vect _) = true
| is_one_rep _ = false
fun is_lone_rep (Opt R) = is_one_rep R
| is_lone_rep R = is_one_rep R
fun dest_Func (Func z) = z
| dest_Func R = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.dest_Func", [R])
fun lazy_range_rep _ _ _ (Vect (_, R)) = R
| lazy_range_rep _ _ _ (Func (_, R2)) = R2
| lazy_range_rep ofs T ran_card (Opt R) =
Opt (lazy_range_rep ofs T ran_card R)
| lazy_range_rep ofs (Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [_, T2])) _ (Atom (1, _)) =
Atom (1, offset_of_type ofs T2)
| lazy_range_rep ofs (Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [_, T2])) ran_card (Atom _) =
Atom (ran_card (), offset_of_type ofs T2)
| lazy_range_rep _ _ _ R = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.lazy_range_rep", [R])
fun binder_reps (Func (R1, R2)) = R1 :: binder_reps R2
| binder_reps _ = []
fun body_rep (Func (_, R2)) = body_rep R2
| body_rep R = R
fun flip_rep_polarity (Formula polar) = Formula (flip_polarity polar)
| flip_rep_polarity (Func (R1, R2)) = Func (R1, flip_rep_polarity R2)
| flip_rep_polarity R = R
fun one_rep _ _ Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.one_rep", [Any])
| one_rep _ _ (Atom x) = Atom x
| one_rep _ _ (Struct Rs) = Struct Rs
| one_rep _ _ (Vect z) = Vect z
| one_rep ofs T (Opt R) = one_rep ofs T R
| one_rep ofs T R = Atom (card_of_rep R, offset_of_type ofs T)
fun optable_rep ofs (Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [_, T2])) (Func (R1, R2)) =
Func (R1, optable_rep ofs T2 R2)
| optable_rep ofs (Type (\<^type_name>‹set›, [T'])) R =
optable_rep ofs (T' --> bool_T) R
| optable_rep ofs T R = one_rep ofs T R
fun opt_rep ofs (Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [_, T2])) (Func (R1, R2)) =
Func (R1, opt_rep ofs T2 R2)
| opt_rep ofs (Type (\<^type_name>‹set›, [T'])) R =
opt_rep ofs (T' --> bool_T) R
| opt_rep ofs T R = Opt (optable_rep ofs T R)
fun unopt_rep (Func (R1, R2)) = Func (R1, unopt_rep R2)
| unopt_rep (Opt R) = R
| unopt_rep R = R
fun min_polarity polar1 polar2 =
if polar1 = polar2 then
else if polar1 = Neut then
else if polar2 = Neut then
raise ARG ("Nitpick_Rep.min_polarity",
commas (map (quote o string_for_polarity) [polar1, polar2]))
fun min_rep (Opt R1) (Opt R2) = Opt (min_rep R1 R2)
| min_rep (Opt R) _ = Opt R
| min_rep _ (Opt R) = Opt R
| min_rep (Formula polar1) (Formula polar2) =
Formula (min_polarity polar1 polar2)
| min_rep (Formula polar) _ = Formula polar
| min_rep _ (Formula polar) = Formula polar
| min_rep (Atom x) _ = Atom x
| min_rep _ (Atom x) = Atom x
| min_rep (Struct Rs1) (Struct Rs2) = Struct (min_reps Rs1 Rs2)
| min_rep (Struct Rs) _ = Struct Rs
| min_rep _ (Struct Rs) = Struct Rs
| min_rep (R1 as Func (R11, R12)) (R2 as Func (R21, R22)) =
(case apply2 is_opt_rep (R12, R22) of
(true, false) => R1
| (false, true) => R2
| _ => if R11 = R21 then Func (R11, min_rep R12 R22)
else if min_rep R11 R21 = R11 then R1
else R2)
| min_rep (Func z) _ = Func z
| min_rep _ (Func z) = Func z
| min_rep (Vect (k1, R1)) (Vect (k2, R2)) =
if k1 < k2 then Vect (k1, R1)
else if k1 > k2 then Vect (k2, R2)
else Vect (k1, min_rep R1 R2)
| min_rep R1 R2 = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.min_rep", [R1, R2])
and min_reps [] _ = []
| min_reps _ [] = []
| min_reps (R1 :: Rs1) (R2 :: Rs2) =
if R1 = R2 then R1 :: min_reps Rs1 Rs2
else if min_rep R1 R2 = R1 then R1 :: Rs1
else R2 :: Rs2
fun card_of_domain_from_rep ran_card R =
case R of
Atom (k, _) => exact_log ran_card k
| Vect (k, _) => k
| Func (R1, _) => card_of_rep R1
| Opt R => card_of_domain_from_rep ran_card R
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.card_of_domain_from_rep", [R])
fun rep_to_binary_rel_rep ofs T R =
val k = exact_root 2 (card_of_domain_from_rep 2 R)
val j0 =
offset_of_type ofs (fst (HOLogic.dest_prodT (pseudo_domain_type T)))
in Func (Struct [Atom (k, j0), Atom (k, j0)], Formula Neut) end
fun best_one_rep_for_type (scope as {card_assigns, ...} : scope)
(Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [T1, T2])) =
Vect (card_of_type card_assigns T1, (best_one_rep_for_type scope T2))
| best_one_rep_for_type scope (Type (\<^type_name>‹set›, [T'])) =
best_one_rep_for_type scope (T' --> bool_T)
| best_one_rep_for_type scope (Type (\<^type_name>‹prod›, Ts)) =
Struct (map (best_one_rep_for_type scope) Ts)
| best_one_rep_for_type {card_assigns, ofs, ...} T =
Atom (card_of_type card_assigns T, offset_of_type ofs T)
fun best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [T1, T2])) =
Func (best_one_rep_for_type scope T1, best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope T2)
| best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (Type (\<^type_name>‹set›, [T'])) =
best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (T' --> bool_T)
| best_opt_set_rep_for_type (scope as {ofs, ...}) T =
opt_rep ofs T (best_one_rep_for_type scope T)
fun best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [T1, T2])) =
(case (best_one_rep_for_type scope T1,
best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type scope T2) of
(R1, Atom (2, _)) => Func (R1, Formula Neut)
| z => Func z)
| best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (Type (\<^type_name>‹set›, [T'])) =
best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (T' --> bool_T)
| best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type scope T = best_one_rep_for_type scope T
fun best_set_rep_for_type (scope as {data_types, ...}) T =
(if is_exact_type data_types true T then best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type
else best_opt_set_rep_for_type) scope T
fun best_non_opt_symmetric_reps_for_fun_type (scope as {ofs, ...})
(Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [T1, T2])) =
(optable_rep ofs T1 (best_one_rep_for_type scope T1),
optable_rep ofs T2 (best_one_rep_for_type scope T2))
| best_non_opt_symmetric_reps_for_fun_type _ T =
raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Rep.best_non_opt_symmetric_reps_for_fun_type", [T], [])
fun atom_schema_of_rep Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.atom_schema_of_rep", [Any])
| atom_schema_of_rep (Formula _) = []
| atom_schema_of_rep (Atom x) = [x]
| atom_schema_of_rep (Struct Rs) = atom_schema_of_reps Rs
| atom_schema_of_rep (Vect (k, R)) = replicate_list k (atom_schema_of_rep R)
| atom_schema_of_rep (Func (R1, R2)) =
atom_schema_of_rep R1 @ atom_schema_of_rep R2
| atom_schema_of_rep (Opt R) = atom_schema_of_rep R
and atom_schema_of_reps Rs = maps atom_schema_of_rep Rs
fun type_schema_of_rep _ (Formula _) = []
| type_schema_of_rep T (Atom _) = [T]
| type_schema_of_rep (Type (\<^type_name>‹prod›, [T1, T2])) (Struct [R1, R2]) =
type_schema_of_reps [T1, T2] [R1, R2]
| type_schema_of_rep (Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [_, T2])) (Vect (k, R)) =
replicate_list k (type_schema_of_rep T2 R)
| type_schema_of_rep (Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [T1, T2])) (Func (R1, R2)) =
type_schema_of_rep T1 R1 @ type_schema_of_rep T2 R2
| type_schema_of_rep (Type (\<^type_name>‹set›, [T'])) R =
type_schema_of_rep (T' --> bool_T) R
| type_schema_of_rep T (Opt R) = type_schema_of_rep T R
| type_schema_of_rep _ R = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.type_schema_of_rep", [R])
and type_schema_of_reps Ts Rs = flat (map2 type_schema_of_rep Ts Rs)
val all_combinations_for_rep = all_combinations o atom_schema_of_rep
val all_combinations_for_reps = all_combinations o atom_schema_of_reps