File ‹Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_kodkod.ML›
signature NITPICK_KODKOD =
type hol_context = Nitpick_HOL.hol_context
type data_type_spec = Nitpick_Scope.data_type_spec
type kodkod_constrs = Nitpick_Peephole.kodkod_constrs
type nut = Nitpick_Nut.nut
structure NameTable : TABLE
val univ_card :
int -> int -> int -> Kodkod.bound list -> Kodkod.formula -> int
val check_bits : int -> Kodkod.formula -> unit
val check_arity : string -> int -> int -> unit
val kk_tuple : bool -> int -> int list -> Kodkod.tuple
val tuple_set_from_atom_schema : (int * int) list -> Kodkod.tuple_set
val sequential_int_bounds : int -> Kodkod.int_bound list
val pow_of_two_int_bounds : int -> int -> Kodkod.int_bound list
val bounds_and_axioms_for_built_in_rels_in_formulas :
bool -> int -> int -> int -> int -> Kodkod.formula list
-> Kodkod.bound list * Kodkod.formula list
val bound_for_plain_rel : Proof.context -> bool -> nut -> Kodkod.bound
val bound_for_sel_rel :
Proof.context -> bool -> (typ * (nut * int) list option) list
-> data_type_spec list -> nut -> Kodkod.bound
val merge_bounds : Kodkod.bound list -> Kodkod.bound list
val kodkod_formula_from_nut :
int Typtab.table -> kodkod_constrs -> nut -> Kodkod.formula
val needed_values_for_data_type :
nut list -> int Typtab.table -> data_type_spec -> (nut * int) list option
val declarative_axiom_for_plain_rel : kodkod_constrs -> nut -> Kodkod.formula
val declarative_axioms_for_data_types :
hol_context -> bool -> nut list -> (typ * (nut * int) list option) list
-> int -> int -> int Typtab.table -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table
-> data_type_spec list -> Kodkod.formula list
structure Nitpick_Kodkod : NITPICK_KODKOD =
open Nitpick_Util
open Nitpick_HOL
open Nitpick_Scope
open Nitpick_Peephole
open Nitpick_Rep
open Nitpick_Nut
structure KK = Kodkod
fun pull x xs = x :: filter_out (curry (op =) x) xs
fun is_data_type_acyclic ({co = false, deep = true, ...} : data_type_spec) = true
| is_data_type_acyclic _ = false
fun flip_nums n = index_seq 1 n @ [0] |> map KK.Num
fun univ_card nat_card int_card main_j0 bounds formula =
fun rel_expr_func r k =
Int.max (k, case r of
KK.Atom j => j + 1
| KK.AtomSeq (k', j0) => j0 + k'
| _ => 0)
fun tuple_func t k =
case t of
KK.Tuple js => fold Integer.max (map (Integer.add 1) js) k
| _ => k
fun tuple_set_func ts k =
Int.max (k, case ts of KK.TupleAtomSeq (k', j0) => j0 + k' | _ => 0)
val expr_F = {formula_func = K I, rel_expr_func = rel_expr_func,
int_expr_func = K I}
val tuple_F = {tuple_func = tuple_func, tuple_set_func = tuple_set_func}
val card = fold (KK.fold_bound expr_F tuple_F) bounds 1
|> KK.fold_formula expr_F formula
in Int.max (main_j0 + fold Integer.max [2, nat_card, int_card] 0, card) end
fun check_bits bits formula =
fun int_expr_func (KK.Num k) () =
if is_twos_complement_representable bits k then
raise TOO_SMALL ("Nitpick_Kodkod.check_bits",
"\"bits\" value " ^ string_of_int bits ^
" too small for problem")
| int_expr_func _ () = ()
val expr_F = {formula_func = K I, rel_expr_func = K I,
int_expr_func = int_expr_func}
in KK.fold_formula expr_F formula () end
fun check_arity guilty_party univ_card n =
if n > KK.max_arity univ_card then
raise TOO_LARGE ("Nitpick_Kodkod.check_arity",
"arity " ^ string_of_int n ^
(if guilty_party = "" then
" of Kodkod relation associated with " ^
quote (original_name guilty_party)) ^
" too large for a universe of size " ^
string_of_int univ_card)
fun kk_tuple debug univ_card js =
if debug then
KK.Tuple js
KK.TupleIndex (length js,
fold (fn j => fn accum => accum * univ_card + j) js 0)
fun tuple_product (ts as KK.TupleSet []) _ = ts
| tuple_product _ (ts as KK.TupleSet []) = ts
| tuple_product ts1 ts2 = KK.TupleProduct (ts1, ts2)
val tuple_set_from_atom_schema = fold1 tuple_product o map KK.TupleAtomSeq
val upper_bound_for_rep = tuple_set_from_atom_schema o atom_schema_of_rep
val single_atom = KK.TupleSet o single o KK.Tuple o single
fun sequential_int_bounds n = [(NONE, map single_atom (index_seq 0 n))]
fun pow_of_two_int_bounds bits j0 =
fun aux 0 _ _ = []
| aux 1 pow_of_two j = [(SOME (~ pow_of_two), [single_atom j])]
| aux iter pow_of_two j =
(SOME pow_of_two, [single_atom j]) ::
aux (iter - 1) (2 * pow_of_two) (j + 1)
in aux (bits + 1) 1 j0 end
fun built_in_rels_in_formulas formulas =
fun rel_expr_func (KK.Rel (x as (_, j))) =
(j < 0 andalso x <> unsigned_bit_word_sel_rel andalso
x <> signed_bit_word_sel_rel)
? insert (op =) x
| rel_expr_func _ = I
val expr_F = {formula_func = K I, rel_expr_func = rel_expr_func,
int_expr_func = K I}
in fold (KK.fold_formula expr_F) formulas [] end
val max_table_size = 65536
fun check_table_size k =
if k > max_table_size then
raise TOO_LARGE ("Nitpick_Kodkod.check_table_size",
"precomputed table too large (" ^ string_of_int k ^ ")")
fun tabulate_func1 debug univ_card (k, j0) f =
(check_table_size k;
map_filter (fn j1 => let val j2 = f j1 in
if j2 >= 0 then
SOME (kk_tuple debug univ_card [j1 + j0, j2 + j0])
end) (index_seq 0 k))
fun tabulate_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) res_j0 f =
(check_table_size (k * k);
map_filter (fn j => let
val j1 = j div k
val j2 = j - j1 * k
val j3 = f (j1, j2)
if j3 >= 0 then
SOME (kk_tuple debug univ_card
[j1 + j0, j2 + j0, j3 + res_j0])
end) (index_seq 0 (k * k)))
fun tabulate_op2_2 debug univ_card (k, j0) res_j0 f =
(check_table_size (k * k);
map_filter (fn j => let
val j1 = j div k
val j2 = j - j1 * k
val (j3, j4) = f (j1, j2)
if j3 >= 0 andalso j4 >= 0 then
SOME (kk_tuple debug univ_card
[j1 + j0, j2 + j0, j3 + res_j0,
j4 + res_j0])
end) (index_seq 0 (k * k)))
fun tabulate_nat_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) f =
tabulate_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) j0 (atom_for_nat (k, 0) o f)
fun tabulate_int_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) f =
tabulate_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) j0
(atom_for_int (k, 0) o f o apply2 (int_for_atom (k, 0)))
fun tabulate_int_op2_2 debug univ_card (k, j0) f =
tabulate_op2_2 debug univ_card (k, j0) j0
(apply2 (atom_for_int (k, 0)) o f
o apply2 (int_for_atom (k, 0)))
fun isa_div (m, n) = m div n handle General.Div => 0
fun isa_mod (m, n) = m mod n handle General.Div => m
fun isa_gcd (m, 0) = m
| isa_gcd (m, n) = isa_gcd (n, isa_mod (m, n))
fun isa_lcm (m, n) = isa_div (m * n, isa_gcd (m, n))
val isa_zgcd = isa_gcd o apply2 abs
fun isa_norm_frac (m, n) =
if n < 0 then isa_norm_frac (~m, ~n)
else if m = 0 orelse n = 0 then (0, 1)
else let val p = isa_zgcd (m, n) in (isa_div (m, p), isa_div (n, p)) end
fun tabulate_built_in_rel debug univ_card nat_card int_card j0
(x as (n, _)) =
(check_arity "" univ_card n;
if x = not3_rel then
("not3", tabulate_func1 debug univ_card (2, j0) (curry (op -) 1))
else if x = suc_rel then
("suc", tabulate_func1 debug univ_card (univ_card - j0 - 1, j0)
(Integer.add 1))
else if x = nat_add_rel then
("nat_add", tabulate_nat_op2 debug univ_card (nat_card, j0) (op +))
else if x = int_add_rel then
("int_add", tabulate_int_op2 debug univ_card (int_card, j0) (op +))
else if x = nat_subtract_rel then
tabulate_op2 debug univ_card (nat_card, j0) j0 (uncurry nat_minus))
else if x = int_subtract_rel then
("int_subtract", tabulate_int_op2 debug univ_card (int_card, j0) (op -))
else if x = nat_multiply_rel then
("nat_multiply", tabulate_nat_op2 debug univ_card (nat_card, j0) (op * ))
else if x = int_multiply_rel then
("int_multiply", tabulate_int_op2 debug univ_card (int_card, j0) (op * ))
else if x = nat_divide_rel then
("nat_divide", tabulate_nat_op2 debug univ_card (nat_card, j0) isa_div)
else if x = int_divide_rel then
("int_divide", tabulate_int_op2 debug univ_card (int_card, j0) isa_div)
else if x = nat_less_rel then
("nat_less", tabulate_nat_op2 debug univ_card (nat_card, j0)
(int_from_bool o op <))
else if x = int_less_rel then
("int_less", tabulate_int_op2 debug univ_card (int_card, j0)
(int_from_bool o op <))
else if x = gcd_rel then
("gcd", tabulate_nat_op2 debug univ_card (nat_card, j0) isa_gcd)
else if x = lcm_rel then
("lcm", tabulate_nat_op2 debug univ_card (nat_card, j0) isa_lcm)
else if x = norm_frac_rel then
("norm_frac", tabulate_int_op2_2 debug univ_card (int_card, j0)
raise ARG ("Nitpick_Kodkod.tabulate_built_in_rel", "unknown relation"))
fun bound_for_built_in_rel debug univ_card nat_card int_card main_j0
(x as (n, j)) =
if n = 2 andalso j <= suc_rels_base then
let val (y as (k, j0), tabulate) = atom_seq_for_suc_rel x in
([(x, "suc")],
if tabulate then
[KK.TupleSet (tabulate_func1 debug univ_card (k - 1, j0)
(Integer.add 1))]
[KK.TupleSet [], tuple_set_from_atom_schema [y, y]])
val (nick, ts) = tabulate_built_in_rel debug univ_card nat_card int_card
main_j0 x
in ([(x, nick)], [KK.TupleSet ts]) end
fun axiom_for_built_in_rel (x as (n, j)) =
if n = 2 andalso j <= suc_rels_base then
let val (y as (k, j0), tabulate) = atom_seq_for_suc_rel x in
if tabulate then
else if k < 2 then
SOME (KK.No (KK.Rel x))
SOME (KK.TotalOrdering (x, KK.AtomSeq y, KK.Atom j0, KK.Atom (j0 + 1)))
fun bounds_and_axioms_for_built_in_rels_in_formulas debug univ_card nat_card
int_card main_j0 formulas =
let val rels = built_in_rels_in_formulas formulas in
(map (bound_for_built_in_rel debug univ_card nat_card int_card main_j0)
map_filter axiom_for_built_in_rel rels)
fun bound_comment ctxt debug nick T R =
short_name nick ^
(if debug then " :: " ^ YXML.content_of (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T) else "") ^
" : " ^ string_for_rep R
fun bound_for_plain_rel ctxt debug (u as FreeRel (x, T, R, nick)) =
([(x, bound_comment ctxt debug nick T R)],
if nick = \<^const_name>‹bisim_iterator_max› then
case R of
Atom (k, j0) => [single_atom (k - 1 + j0)]
| _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.bound_for_plain_rel", [u])
[KK.TupleSet [], upper_bound_for_rep R])
| bound_for_plain_rel _ _ u =
raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.bound_for_plain_rel", [u])
fun is_data_type_nat_like ({typ, constrs, ...} : data_type_spec) =
case constrs of
[_, _] =>
(case constrs |> map (snd o #const) |> List.partition is_fun_type of
([Type (_, Ts1)], [T2]) => forall (curry (op =) typ) (T2 :: Ts1)
| _ => false)
| _ => false
fun needed_values need_vals T =
AList.lookup (op =) need_vals T |> the_default NONE |> these
fun all_values_are_needed need_vals ({typ, card, ...} : data_type_spec) =
length (needed_values need_vals typ) = card
fun is_sel_of_constr x (Construct (sel_us, _, _, _), _) =
exists (fn FreeRel (x', _, _, _) => x = x' | _ => false) sel_us
| is_sel_of_constr _ _ = false
fun bound_for_sel_rel ctxt debug need_vals dtypes
(FreeRel (x, T as Type (\<^type_name>‹fun›, [T1, T2]),
R as Func (Atom (_, j0), R2), nick)) =
val constr_s = original_name nick
val {delta, epsilon, exclusive, explicit_max, ...} =
constr_spec dtypes (constr_s, T1)
val dtype as {card, ...} = data_type_spec dtypes T1 |> the
val T1_need_vals = needed_values need_vals T1
([(x, bound_comment ctxt debug nick T R)],
val discr = (R2 = Formula Neut)
val complete_need_vals = (length T1_need_vals = card)
val (my_need_vals, other_need_vals) =
T1_need_vals |> List.partition (is_sel_of_constr x)
fun atom_seq_for_self_rec j =
if is_data_type_nat_like dtype then (1, j + j0 - 1) else (j, j0)
fun exact_bound_for_perhaps_needy_atom j =
case AList.find (op =) my_need_vals j of
[constr_u] =>
val n = sel_no_from_name nick
val arg_u =
case constr_u of
Construct (_, _, _, arg_us) => nth arg_us n
| _ => raise Fail "expected \"Construct\""
val T2_need_vals = needed_values need_vals T2
case AList.lookup (op =) T2_need_vals arg_u of
SOME arg_j => SOME (KK.TupleAtomSeq (1, arg_j))
| _ => NONE
| _ => NONE
fun n_fold_tuple_union [] = KK.TupleSet []
| n_fold_tuple_union (ts :: tss) =
fold (curry (KK.TupleUnion o swap)) tss ts
fun tuple_perhaps_needy_atom upper j =
single_atom j
|> not discr
? (fn ts => tuple_product ts
(case exact_bound_for_perhaps_needy_atom j of
SOME ts => ts
| NONE => if upper then upper_bound_for_rep R2
else KK.TupleSet []))
fun bound_tuples upper =
if null T1_need_vals then
if upper then
KK.TupleAtomSeq (epsilon - delta, delta + j0)
|> not discr
? (fn ts => tuple_product ts (upper_bound_for_rep R2))
KK.TupleSet []
(if complete_need_vals then
my_need_vals |> map snd
index_seq (delta + j0) (epsilon - delta)
|> filter_out (member (op = o apsnd snd) other_need_vals))
|> map (tuple_perhaps_needy_atom upper)
|> n_fold_tuple_union
if explicit_max = 0 orelse
(complete_need_vals andalso null my_need_vals) then
[KK.TupleSet []]
if discr then
[bound_tuples true]
|> not (exclusive orelse all_values_are_needed need_vals dtype)
? cons (KK.TupleSet [])
[bound_tuples false,
if T1 = T2 andalso epsilon > delta andalso
is_data_type_acyclic dtype then
index_seq delta (epsilon - delta)
|> map (fn j => tuple_product (KK.TupleSet [KK.Tuple [j + j0]])
(KK.TupleAtomSeq (atom_seq_for_self_rec j)))
|> n_fold_tuple_union
bound_tuples true]
|> distinct (op =)
| bound_for_sel_rel _ _ _ _ u =
raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.bound_for_sel_rel", [u])
fun merge_bounds bs =
fun arity (zs, _) = fst (fst (hd zs))
fun add_bound ds b [] = List.revAppend (ds, [b])
| add_bound ds b (c :: cs) =
if arity b = arity c andalso snd b = snd c then
List.revAppend (ds, (fst c @ fst b, snd c) :: cs)
add_bound (c :: ds) b cs
in fold (add_bound []) bs [] end
fun unary_var_seq j0 n = map (curry KK.Var 1) (index_seq j0 n)
val singleton_from_combination = foldl1 KK.Product o map KK.Atom
fun all_singletons_for_rep R =
if is_lone_rep R then
all_combinations_for_rep R |> map singleton_from_combination
raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.all_singletons_for_rep", [R])
fun unpack_products (KK.Product (r1, r2)) =
unpack_products r1 @ unpack_products r2
| unpack_products r = [r]
fun unpack_joins (KK.Join (r1, r2)) = unpack_joins r1 @ unpack_joins r2
| unpack_joins r = [r]
val empty_rel_for_rep = empty_n_ary_rel o arity_of_rep
fun full_rel_for_rep R =
case atom_schema_of_rep R of
[] => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.full_rel_for_rep", [R])
| schema => foldl1 KK.Product (map KK.AtomSeq schema)
fun decls_for_atom_schema j0 schema =
map2 (fn j => fn x => KK.DeclOne ((1, j), KK.AtomSeq x))
(index_seq j0 (length schema)) schema
fun d_n_ary_function ({kk_all, kk_join, kk_lone, kk_one, ...} : kodkod_constrs)
R r =
let val body_R = body_rep R in
if is_lone_rep body_R then
val binder_schema = atom_schema_of_reps (binder_reps R)
val body_schema = atom_schema_of_rep body_R
val one = is_one_rep body_R
val opt_x = case r of KK.Rel x => SOME x | _ => NONE
if opt_x <> NONE andalso length binder_schema = 1 andalso
length body_schema = 1 then
(if one then KK.Function else KK.Functional)
(the opt_x, KK.AtomSeq (hd binder_schema),
KK.AtomSeq (hd body_schema))
val decls = decls_for_atom_schema ~1 binder_schema
val vars = unary_var_seq ~1 (length binder_schema)
val kk_xone = if one then kk_one else kk_lone
in kk_all decls (kk_xone (fold kk_join vars r)) end
fun kk_n_ary_function kk R (r as KK.Rel x) =
if not (is_opt_rep R) then
if x = suc_rel then
else if x = nat_add_rel then
formula_for_bool (card_of_rep (body_rep R) = 1)
else if x = nat_multiply_rel then
formula_for_bool (card_of_rep (body_rep R) <= 2)
d_n_ary_function kk R r
else if x = nat_subtract_rel then
d_n_ary_function kk R r
| kk_n_ary_function kk R r = d_n_ary_function kk R r
fun kk_disjoint_sets _ [] = KK.True
| kk_disjoint_sets (kk as {kk_and, kk_no, kk_intersect, ...} : kodkod_constrs)
(r :: rs) =
fold (kk_and o kk_no o kk_intersect r) rs (kk_disjoint_sets kk rs)
fun basic_rel_rel_let j ({kk_rel_let, ...} : kodkod_constrs) f r =
if inline_rel_expr r then
f r
let val x = (KK.arity_of_rel_expr r, j) in
kk_rel_let [KK.AssignRelReg (x, r)] (f (KK.RelReg x))
val single_rel_rel_let = basic_rel_rel_let 0
fun double_rel_rel_let kk f r1 r2 =
single_rel_rel_let kk (fn r1 => basic_rel_rel_let 1 kk (f r1) r2) r1
fun triple_rel_rel_let kk f r1 r2 r3 =
double_rel_rel_let kk
(fn r1 => fn r2 => basic_rel_rel_let 2 kk (f r1 r2) r3) r1 r2
fun atom_from_formula ({kk_rel_if, ...} : kodkod_constrs) j0 f =
kk_rel_if f (KK.Atom (j0 + 1)) (KK.Atom j0)
fun rel_expr_from_formula kk R f =
case unopt_rep R of
Atom (2, j0) => atom_from_formula kk j0 f
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.rel_expr_from_formula", [R])
fun unpack_vect_in_chunks ({kk_project_seq, ...} : kodkod_constrs) chunk_arity
num_chunks r =
List.tabulate (num_chunks, fn j => kk_project_seq r (j * chunk_arity)
fun kk_n_fold_join
(kk as {kk_intersect, kk_product, kk_join, kk_project_seq, ...}) one R1
res_R r1 r2 =
case arity_of_rep R1 of
1 => kk_join r1 r2
| arity1 =>
let val unpacked_rs1 = unpack_products r1 in
if one andalso length unpacked_rs1 = arity1 then
fold kk_join unpacked_rs1 r2
else if one andalso inline_rel_expr r1 then
fold kk_join (unpack_vect_in_chunks kk 1 arity1 r1) r2
(kk_intersect (kk_product r1 (full_rel_for_rep res_R)) r2)
arity1 (arity_of_rep res_R)
fun kk_case_switch (kk as {kk_union, kk_product, ...}) R1 R2 r rs1 rs2 =
if rs1 = rs2 then r
else kk_n_fold_join kk true R1 R2 r (fold1 kk_union (map2 kk_product rs1 rs2))
val lone_rep_fallback_max_card = 4096
val some_j0 = 0
fun lone_rep_fallback kk new_R old_R r =
if old_R = new_R then
let val card = card_of_rep old_R in
if is_lone_rep old_R andalso is_lone_rep new_R andalso
card = card_of_rep new_R then
if card >= lone_rep_fallback_max_card then
raise TOO_LARGE ("Nitpick_Kodkod.lone_rep_fallback",
"too high cardinality (" ^ string_of_int card ^ ")")
kk_case_switch kk old_R new_R r (all_singletons_for_rep old_R)
(all_singletons_for_rep new_R)
raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.lone_rep_fallback", [old_R, new_R])
and atom_from_rel_expr kk x old_R r =
case old_R of
Func (R1, R2) =>
val dom_card = card_of_rep R1
val R2' = case R2 of Atom _ => R2 | _ => Atom (card_of_rep R2, some_j0)
atom_from_rel_expr kk x (Vect (dom_card, R2'))
(vect_from_rel_expr kk dom_card R2' old_R r)
| Opt _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.atom_from_rel_expr", [old_R])
| _ => lone_rep_fallback kk (Atom x) old_R r
and struct_from_rel_expr kk Rs old_R r =
case old_R of
Atom _ => lone_rep_fallback kk (Struct Rs) old_R r
| Struct Rs' =>
if Rs' = Rs then
else if map card_of_rep Rs' = map card_of_rep Rs then
val old_arities = map arity_of_rep Rs'
val old_offsets = offset_list old_arities
val old_rs = map2 (#kk_project_seq kk r) old_offsets old_arities
fold1 (#kk_product kk)
(@{map 3} (rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk) Rs Rs' old_rs)
lone_rep_fallback kk (Struct Rs) old_R r
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.struct_from_rel_expr", [old_R])
and vect_from_rel_expr kk k R old_R r =
case old_R of
Atom _ => lone_rep_fallback kk (Vect (k, R)) old_R r
| Vect (k', R') =>
if k = k' andalso R = R' then r
else lone_rep_fallback kk (Vect (k, R)) old_R r
| Func (R1, Formula Neut) =>
if k = card_of_rep R1 then
fold1 (#kk_product kk)
(map (fn arg_r =>
rel_expr_from_formula kk R (#kk_subset kk arg_r r))
(all_singletons_for_rep R1))
raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.vect_from_rel_expr", [old_R])
| Func (R1, R2) =>
fold1 (#kk_product kk)
(map (fn arg_r =>
rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R R2
(kk_n_fold_join kk true R1 R2 arg_r r))
(all_singletons_for_rep R1))
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.vect_from_rel_expr", [old_R])
and func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 R2 (Atom x) r =
val dom_card = card_of_rep R1
val R2' = case R2 of Atom _ => R2 | _ => Atom (card_of_rep R2, some_j0)
func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 R2 (Vect (dom_card, R2'))
(vect_from_rel_expr kk dom_card R2' (Atom x) r)
| func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 (Formula Neut) old_R r =
(case old_R of
Vect (k, Atom (2, j0)) =>
val args_rs = all_singletons_for_rep R1
val vals_rs = unpack_vect_in_chunks kk 1 k r
fun empty_or_singleton_set_for arg_r val_r =
#kk_join kk val_r (#kk_product kk (KK.Atom (j0 + 1)) arg_r)
fold1 (#kk_union kk) (map2 empty_or_singleton_set_for args_rs vals_rs)
| Func (R1', Formula Neut) =>
if R1 = R1' then
val schema = atom_schema_of_rep R1
val r1 = fold1 (#kk_product kk) (unary_var_seq ~1 (length schema))
|> rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R1' R1
val kk_xeq = (if is_one_rep R1' then #kk_subset else #kk_rel_eq) kk
#kk_comprehension kk (decls_for_atom_schema ~1 schema) (kk_xeq r1 r)
| Func (R1', Atom (2, j0)) =>
func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 (Formula Neut)
(Func (R1', Formula Neut)) (#kk_join kk r (KK.Atom (j0 + 1)))
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.func_from_no_opt_rel_expr",
[old_R, Func (R1, Formula Neut)]))
| func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 R2 old_R r =
case old_R of
Vect (k, R) =>
val args_rs = all_singletons_for_rep R1
val vals_rs = unpack_vect_in_chunks kk (arity_of_rep R) k r
|> map (rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R2 R)
in fold1 (#kk_union kk) (map2 (#kk_product kk) args_rs vals_rs) end
| Func (R1', Formula Neut) =>
(case R2 of
Atom (x as (2, j0)) =>
let val schema = atom_schema_of_rep R1 in
if length schema = 1 then
#kk_override kk (#kk_product kk (KK.AtomSeq (hd schema))
(KK.Atom j0))
(#kk_product kk r (KK.Atom (j0 + 1)))
val r1 = fold1 (#kk_product kk) (unary_var_seq ~1 (length schema))
|> rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R1' R1
val r2 = KK.Var (1, ~(length schema) - 1)
val r3 = atom_from_formula kk j0 (#kk_subset kk r1 r)
#kk_comprehension kk (decls_for_atom_schema ~1 (schema @ [x]))
(#kk_subset kk r2 r3)
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.func_from_no_opt_rel_expr",
[old_R, Func (R1, R2)]))
| Func (R1', R2') =>
if R1 = R1' andalso R2 = R2' then
val dom_schema = atom_schema_of_rep R1
val ran_schema = atom_schema_of_rep R2
val dom_prod = fold1 (#kk_product kk)
(unary_var_seq ~1 (length dom_schema))
|> rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R1' R1
val ran_prod = fold1 (#kk_product kk)
(unary_var_seq (~(length dom_schema) - 1)
(length ran_schema))
|> rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R2' R2
val app = kk_n_fold_join kk true R1' R2' dom_prod r
val kk_xeq = (if is_one_rep R2' then #kk_subset else #kk_rel_eq) kk
#kk_comprehension kk (decls_for_atom_schema ~1
(dom_schema @ ran_schema))
(kk_xeq ran_prod app)
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.func_from_no_opt_rel_expr",
[old_R, Func (R1, R2)])
and rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk new_R old_R r =
val unopt_old_R = unopt_rep old_R
val unopt_new_R = unopt_rep new_R
if unopt_old_R <> old_R andalso unopt_new_R = new_R then
raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.rel_expr_from_rel_expr", [old_R, new_R])
else if unopt_new_R = unopt_old_R then
(case unopt_new_R of
Atom x => atom_from_rel_expr kk x
| Struct Rs => struct_from_rel_expr kk Rs
| Vect (k, R') => vect_from_rel_expr kk k R'
| Func (R1, R2) => func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 R2
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.rel_expr_from_rel_expr",
[old_R, new_R]))
unopt_old_R r
and rel_expr_to_func kk R1 R2 = rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk (Func (R1, R2))
fun bit_set_from_atom ({kk_join, ...} : kodkod_constrs) T r =
kk_join r (KK.Rel (if T = \<^typ>‹unsigned_bit word› then
val int_expr_from_atom = KK.SetSum ooo bit_set_from_atom
fun atom_from_int_expr (kk as {kk_rel_eq, kk_comprehension, ...}
: kodkod_constrs) T R i =
kk_comprehension (decls_for_atom_schema ~1 (atom_schema_of_rep R))
(kk_rel_eq (bit_set_from_atom kk T (KK.Var (1, ~1)))
(KK.Bits i))
fun kodkod_formula_from_nut ofs
(kk as {kk_all, kk_exist, kk_formula_let, kk_formula_if, kk_or, kk_not,
kk_iff, kk_implies, kk_and, kk_subset, kk_rel_eq, kk_no,
kk_lone, kk_some, kk_rel_let, kk_rel_if, kk_union,
kk_difference, kk_intersect, kk_product, kk_join, kk_closure,
kk_comprehension, kk_project, kk_project_seq, kk_not3,
kk_nat_less, kk_int_less, ...}) u =
val main_j0 = offset_of_type ofs bool_T
val bool_j0 = main_j0
val bool_atom_R = Atom (2, main_j0)
val false_atom = KK.Atom bool_j0
val true_atom = KK.Atom (bool_j0 + 1)
fun formula_from_opt_atom polar j0 r =
case polar of
Neg => kk_not (kk_rel_eq r (KK.Atom j0))
| _ => kk_rel_eq r (KK.Atom (j0 + 1))
val formula_from_atom = formula_from_opt_atom Pos
val unpack_formulas =
map (formula_from_atom bool_j0) oo unpack_vect_in_chunks kk 1
fun kk_vect_set_bool_op connective k r1 r2 =
fold1 kk_and (map2 connective (unpack_formulas k r1)
(unpack_formulas k r2))
fun to_f u =
case rep_of u of
Formula polar =>
(case u of
Cst (False, _, _) => KK.False
| Cst (True, _, _) => KK.True
| Op1 (Not, _, _, u1) =>
kk_not (to_f_with_polarity (flip_polarity polar) u1)
| Op1 (Finite, _, _, u1) =>
let val opt1 = is_opt_rep (rep_of u1) in
case polar of
Neut =>
if opt1 then raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_f (Finite)", [u])
else KK.True
| Pos => KK.False
| Neg => KK.True
| Op1 (IsUnknown, _, _, u1) => kk_no (to_r u1)
| Op1 (Cast, _, _, u1) => to_f_with_polarity polar u1
| Op2 (All, _, _, u1, u2) =>
kk_all (untuple to_decl u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
| Op2 (Exist, _, _, u1, u2) =>
kk_exist (untuple to_decl u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
| Op2 (Or, _, _, u1, u2) =>
kk_or (to_f_with_polarity polar u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
| Op2 (And, _, _, u1, u2) =>
kk_and (to_f_with_polarity polar u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
| Op2 (Less, T, Formula polar, u1, u2) =>
formula_from_opt_atom polar bool_j0
(to_r (Op2 (Less, T, Opt bool_atom_R, u1, u2)))
| Op2 (DefEq, _, _, u1, u2) =>
(case min_rep (rep_of u1) (rep_of u2) of
Formula polar =>
kk_iff (to_f_with_polarity polar u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
| min_R =>
fun args (Op2 (Apply, _, _, u1, u2)) = u2 :: args u1
| args (Tuple (_, _, us)) = us
| args _ = []
val opt_arg_us = filter (is_opt_rep o rep_of) (args u1)
if null opt_arg_us orelse not (is_Opt min_R) orelse
is_eval_name u1 then
fold (kk_or o (kk_no o to_r)) opt_arg_us
(kk_rel_eq (to_rep min_R u1) (to_rep min_R u2))
kk_subset (to_rep min_R u1) (to_rep min_R u2)
| Op2 (Eq, _, _, u1, u2) =>
(case min_rep (rep_of u1) (rep_of u2) of
Formula polar =>
kk_iff (to_f_with_polarity polar u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
| min_R =>
if is_opt_rep min_R then
if polar = Neut then
kk_rel_eq (to_rep min_R u1) (to_rep min_R u2)
else if is_Cst Unrep u1 then
to_could_be_unrep (polar = Neg) u2
else if is_Cst Unrep u2 then
to_could_be_unrep (polar = Neg) u1
val r1 = to_rep min_R u1
val r2 = to_rep min_R u2
val both_opt = forall (is_opt_rep o rep_of) [u1, u2]
(if polar = Pos then
if not both_opt then
kk_rel_eq r1 r2
else if is_lone_rep min_R andalso
arity_of_rep min_R = 1 then
kk_some (kk_intersect r1 r2)
raise SAME ()
if is_lone_rep min_R then
if arity_of_rep min_R = 1 then
kk_lone (kk_union r1 r2)
else if not both_opt then
(r1, r2) |> is_opt_rep (rep_of u2) ? swap
|-> kk_subset
raise SAME ()
raise SAME ())
handle SAME () =>
formula_from_opt_atom polar bool_j0
(to_guard [u1, u2] bool_atom_R
(rel_expr_from_formula kk bool_atom_R
(kk_rel_eq r1 r2)))
val r1 = to_rep min_R u1
val r2 = to_rep min_R u2
if is_one_rep min_R then
val rs1 = unpack_products r1
val rs2 = unpack_products r2
if length rs1 = length rs2 andalso
map KK.arity_of_rel_expr rs1
= map KK.arity_of_rel_expr rs2 then
fold1 kk_and (map2 kk_subset rs1 rs2)
kk_subset r1 r2
kk_rel_eq r1 r2
| Op2 (Apply, T, _, u1, u2) =>
(case (polar, rep_of u1) of
(Neg, Func (R, Formula Neut)) => kk_subset (to_opt R u2) (to_r u1)
| _ =>
to_f_with_polarity polar
(Op2 (Apply, T, Opt (Atom (2, offset_of_type ofs T)), u1, u2)))
| Op3 (Let, _, _, u1, u2, u3) =>
kk_formula_let [to_expr_assign u1 u2] (to_f_with_polarity polar u3)
| Op3 (If, _, _, u1, u2, u3) =>
kk_formula_if (to_f u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
(to_f_with_polarity polar u3)
| FormulaReg (j, _, _) => KK.FormulaReg j
| _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_f", [u]))
| Atom (2, j0) => formula_from_atom j0 (to_r u)
| _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_f", [u])
and to_f_with_polarity polar u =
case rep_of u of
Formula _ => to_f u
| Atom (2, j0) => formula_from_atom j0 (to_r u)
| Opt (Atom (2, j0)) => formula_from_opt_atom polar j0 (to_r u)
| _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_f_with_polarity", [u])
and to_r u =
case u of
Cst (False, _, Atom _) => false_atom
| Cst (True, _, Atom _) => true_atom
| Cst (Iden, _, Func (Struct [R1, R2], Formula Neut)) =>
if R1 = R2 andalso arity_of_rep R1 = 1 then
kk_intersect KK.Iden (kk_product (full_rel_for_rep R1) KK.Univ)
val schema1 = atom_schema_of_rep R1
val schema2 = atom_schema_of_rep R2
val arity1 = length schema1
val arity2 = length schema2
val r1 = fold1 kk_product (unary_var_seq 0 arity1)
val r2 = fold1 kk_product (unary_var_seq arity1 arity2)
val min_R = min_rep R1 R2
(decls_for_atom_schema 0 (schema1 @ schema2))
(kk_rel_eq (rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk min_R R1 r1)
(rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk min_R R2 r2))
| Cst (Iden, _, Func (Atom (1, j0), Formula Neut)) => KK.Atom j0
| Cst (Iden, T as Type (\<^type_name>‹set›, [T1]), R as Func (R1, _)) =>
to_rep R (Cst (Iden, T, Func (one_rep ofs T1 R1, Formula Neut)))
| Cst (Num j, T, R) =>
if is_word_type T then
atom_from_int_expr kk T R (KK.Num j)
else if T = int_T then
case atom_for_int (card_of_rep R, offset_of_type ofs int_T) j of
~1 => if is_opt_rep R then KK.None
else raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (Num)", [u])
| j' => KK.Atom j'
if j < card_of_rep R then KK.Atom (j + offset_of_type ofs T)
else if is_opt_rep R then KK.None
else raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (Num)", [u])
| Cst (Unknown, _, R) => empty_rel_for_rep R
| Cst (Unrep, _, R) => empty_rel_for_rep R
| Cst (Suc, T as \<^typ>‹unsigned_bit word => unsigned_bit word›, R) =>
to_bit_word_unary_op T R (curry KK.Add (KK.Num 1))
| Cst (Suc, \<^typ>‹nat => nat›, Func (Atom x, _)) =>
kk_intersect (KK.Rel suc_rel) (kk_product KK.Univ (KK.AtomSeq x))
| Cst (Suc, _, Func (Atom _, _)) => KK.Rel suc_rel
| Cst (Add, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹nat›, _]), _) => KK.Rel nat_add_rel
| Cst (Add, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹int›, _]), _) => KK.Rel int_add_rel
| Cst (Add, T as Type (_, [\<^typ>‹unsigned_bit word›, _]), R) =>
to_bit_word_binary_op T R NONE (SOME (curry KK.Add))
| Cst (Add, T as Type (_, [\<^typ>‹signed_bit word›, _]), R) =>
to_bit_word_binary_op T R
(SOME (fn i1 => fn i2 => fn i3 =>
kk_implies (KK.LE (KK.Num 0, KK.BitXor (i1, i2)))
(KK.LE (KK.Num 0, KK.BitXor (i2, i3)))))
(SOME (curry KK.Add))
| Cst (Subtract, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹nat›, _]), _) =>
KK.Rel nat_subtract_rel
| Cst (Subtract, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹int›, _]), _) =>
KK.Rel int_subtract_rel
| Cst (Subtract, T as Type (_, [\<^typ>‹unsigned_bit word›, _]), R) =>
to_bit_word_binary_op T R NONE
(SOME (fn i1 => fn i2 =>
KK.IntIf (KK.LE (i1, i2), KK.Num 0, KK.Sub (i1, i2))))
| Cst (Subtract, T as Type (_, [\<^typ>‹signed_bit word›, _]), R) =>
to_bit_word_binary_op T R
(SOME (fn i1 => fn i2 => fn i3 =>
kk_implies (KK.LT (KK.BitXor (i1, i2), KK.Num 0))
(KK.LT (KK.BitXor (i2, i3), KK.Num 0))))
(SOME (curry KK.Sub))
| Cst (Multiply, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹nat›, _]), _) =>
KK.Rel nat_multiply_rel
| Cst (Multiply, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹int›, _]), _) =>
KK.Rel int_multiply_rel
| Cst (Multiply,
T as Type (_, [Type (\<^type_name>‹word›, [bit_T]), _]), R) =>
to_bit_word_binary_op T R
(SOME (fn i1 => fn i2 => fn i3 =>
kk_or (KK.IntEq (i2, KK.Num 0))
(KK.IntEq (KK.Div (i3, i2), i1)
|> bit_T = \<^typ>‹signed_bit›
? kk_and (KK.LE (KK.Num 0,
foldl1 KK.BitAnd [i1, i2, i3])))))
(SOME (curry KK.Mult))
| Cst (Divide, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹nat›, _]), _) => KK.Rel nat_divide_rel
| Cst (Divide, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹int›, _]), _) => KK.Rel int_divide_rel
| Cst (Divide, T as Type (_, [\<^typ>‹unsigned_bit word›, _]), R) =>
to_bit_word_binary_op T R NONE
(SOME (fn i1 => fn i2 =>
KK.IntIf (KK.IntEq (i2, KK.Num 0),
KK.Num 0, KK.Div (i1, i2))))
| Cst (Divide, T as Type (_, [\<^typ>‹signed_bit word›, _]), R) =>
to_bit_word_binary_op T R
(SOME (fn i1 => fn i2 => fn i3 =>
KK.LE (KK.Num 0, foldl1 KK.BitAnd [i1, i2, i3])))
(SOME (fn i1 => fn i2 =>
KK.IntIf (kk_and (KK.LT (i1, KK.Num 0))
(KK.LT (KK.Num 0, i2)),
KK.Sub (KK.Div (KK.Add (i1, KK.Num 1), i2), KK.Num 1),
KK.IntIf (kk_and (KK.LT (KK.Num 0, i1))
(KK.LT (i2, KK.Num 0)),
KK.Sub (KK.Div (KK.Sub (i1, KK.Num 1), i2), KK.Num 1),
KK.IntIf (KK.IntEq (i2, KK.Num 0),
KK.Num 0, KK.Div (i1, i2))))))
| Cst (Gcd, _, _) => KK.Rel gcd_rel
| Cst (Lcm, _, _) => KK.Rel lcm_rel
| Cst (Fracs, _, Func (Atom (1, _), _)) => KK.None
| Cst (Fracs, _, Func (Struct _, _)) =>
kk_project_seq (KK.Rel norm_frac_rel) 2 2
| Cst (NormFrac, _, _) => KK.Rel norm_frac_rel
| Cst (NatToInt, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹nat›, _]), Func (Atom _, Atom _)) =>
| Cst (NatToInt, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹nat›, _]),
Func (Atom (_, nat_j0), Opt (Atom (int_k, int_j0)))) =>
if nat_j0 = int_j0 then
kk_intersect KK.Iden
(kk_product (KK.AtomSeq (max_int_for_card int_k + 1, nat_j0))
raise BAD ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (NatToInt)", "\"nat_j0 <> int_j0\"")
| Cst (NatToInt, T as Type (_, [\<^typ>‹unsigned_bit word›, _]), R) =>
to_bit_word_unary_op T R I
| Cst (IntToNat, Type (_, [\<^typ>‹int›, _]),
Func (Atom (int_k, int_j0), nat_R)) =>
val abs_card = max_int_for_card int_k + 1
val (nat_k, nat_j0) = the_single (atom_schema_of_rep nat_R)
val overlap = Int.min (nat_k, abs_card)
if nat_j0 = int_j0 then
kk_union (kk_product (KK.AtomSeq (int_k - abs_card,
int_j0 + abs_card))
(KK.Atom nat_j0))
(kk_intersect KK.Iden
(kk_product (KK.AtomSeq (overlap, int_j0)) KK.Univ))
raise BAD ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (IntToNat)", "\"nat_j0 <> int_j0\"")
| Cst (IntToNat, T as Type (_, [\<^typ>‹signed_bit word›, _]), R) =>
to_bit_word_unary_op T R
(fn i => KK.IntIf (KK.LE (i, KK.Num 0), KK.Num 0, i))
| Op1 (Not, _, R, u1) => kk_not3 (to_rep R u1)
| Op1 (Finite, _, Opt (Atom _), _) => KK.None
| Op1 (Converse, T, R, u1) =>
val (b_T, a_T) = HOLogic.dest_prodT (pseudo_domain_type T)
val (b_R, a_R) =
case R of
Func (Struct [R1, R2], _) => (R1, R2)
| Func (R1, _) =>
if card_of_rep R1 <> 1 then
raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (Converse)", [R])
apply2 (Atom o pair 1 o offset_of_type ofs) (b_T, a_T)
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (Converse)", [R])
val body_R = body_rep R
val a_arity = arity_of_rep a_R
val b_arity = arity_of_rep b_R
val ab_arity = a_arity + b_arity
val body_arity = arity_of_rep body_R
kk_project (to_rep (Func (Struct [a_R, b_R], body_R)) u1)
(map KK.Num (index_seq a_arity b_arity @
index_seq 0 a_arity @
index_seq ab_arity body_arity))
|> rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R (Func (Struct [b_R, a_R], body_R))
| Op1 (Closure, _, R, u1) =>
if is_opt_rep R then
val T1 = type_of u1
val R' = rep_to_binary_rel_rep ofs T1 (unopt_rep (rep_of u1))
val R'' = opt_rep ofs T1 R'
single_rel_rel_let kk
(fn r =>
val true_r = kk_closure (kk_join r true_atom)
val full_r = full_rel_for_rep R'
val false_r = kk_difference full_r
(kk_closure (kk_difference full_r
(kk_join r false_atom)))
rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R R''
(kk_union (kk_product true_r true_atom)
(kk_product false_r false_atom))
end) (to_rep R'' u1)
let val R' = rep_to_binary_rel_rep ofs (type_of u1) (rep_of u1) in
rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R R' (kk_closure (to_rep R' u1))
| Op1 (SingletonSet, _, Func (R1, Opt _), Cst (Unrep, _, _)) =>
kk_product (full_rel_for_rep R1) false_atom
| Op1 (SingletonSet, _, R, u1) =>
(case R of
Func (R1, Formula Neut) => to_rep R1 u1
| Func (R1, Opt _) =>
single_rel_rel_let kk
(fn r => kk_rel_if (kk_no r) (empty_rel_for_rep R)
(rel_expr_to_func kk R1 bool_atom_R
(Func (R1, Formula Neut)) r))
(to_opt R1 u1)
| _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (SingletonSet)", [u]))
| Op1 (SafeThe, _, R, u1) =>
if is_opt_rep R then
kk_join (to_rep (Func (unopt_rep R, Opt bool_atom_R)) u1) true_atom
to_rep (Func (R, Formula Neut)) u1
| Op1 (First, _, R, u1) => to_nth_pair_sel 0 R u1
| Op1 (Second, _, R, u1) => to_nth_pair_sel 1 R u1
| Op1 (Cast, _, R, u1) =>
((case rep_of u1 of
Formula _ =>
(case unopt_rep R of
Atom (2, j0) => atom_from_formula kk j0 (to_f u1)
| _ => raise SAME ())
| _ => raise SAME ())
handle SAME () => rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R (rep_of u1) (to_r u1))
| Op2 (All, T, R as Opt _, u1, u2) =>
to_r (Op1 (Not, T, R,
Op2 (Exist, T, R, u1, Op1 (Not, T, rep_of u2, u2))))
| Op2 (Exist, _, Opt _, u1, u2) =>
let val rs1 = untuple to_decl u1 in
if not (is_opt_rep (rep_of u2)) then
kk_rel_if (kk_exist rs1 (to_f u2)) true_atom KK.None
let val r2 = to_r u2 in
kk_union (kk_rel_if (kk_exist rs1 (kk_rel_eq r2 true_atom))
true_atom KK.None)
(kk_rel_if (kk_all rs1 (kk_rel_eq r2 false_atom))
false_atom KK.None)
| Op2 (Or, _, _, u1, u2) =>
if is_opt_rep (rep_of u1) then kk_rel_if (to_f u2) true_atom (to_r u1)
else kk_rel_if (to_f u1) true_atom (to_r u2)
| Op2 (And, _, _, u1, u2) =>
if is_opt_rep (rep_of u1) then kk_rel_if (to_f u2) (to_r u1) false_atom
else kk_rel_if (to_f u1) (to_r u2) false_atom
| Op2 (Less, _, _, u1, u2) =>
(case type_of u1 of
\<^typ>‹nat› =>
if is_Cst Unrep u1 then to_compare_with_unrep u2 false_atom
else if is_Cst Unrep u2 then to_compare_with_unrep u1 true_atom
else kk_nat_less (to_integer u1) (to_integer u2)
| \<^typ>‹int› => kk_int_less (to_integer u1) (to_integer u2)
| _ =>
val R1 = Opt (Atom (card_of_rep (rep_of u1),
offset_of_type ofs (type_of u1)))
double_rel_rel_let kk
(fn r1 => fn r2 =>
(fold kk_and (map_filter (fn (u, r) =>
if is_opt_rep (rep_of u) then SOME (kk_some r)
else NONE) [(u1, r1), (u2, r2)]) KK.True)
(atom_from_formula kk bool_j0 (KK.LT (apply2
(int_expr_from_atom kk (type_of u1)) (r1, r2))))
(to_rep R1 u1) (to_rep R1 u2)
| Op2 (Triad, _, Opt (Atom (2, j0)), u1, u2) =>
val f1 = to_f u1
val f2 = to_f u2
if f1 = f2 then
atom_from_formula kk j0 f1
kk_union (kk_rel_if f1 true_atom KK.None)
(kk_rel_if f2 KK.None false_atom)
| Op2 (Composition, _, R, u1, u2) =>
val (a_T, b_T) = HOLogic.dest_prodT (pseudo_domain_type (type_of u1))
val (_, c_T) = HOLogic.dest_prodT (pseudo_domain_type (type_of u2))
val ab_k = card_of_domain_from_rep 2 (rep_of u1)
val bc_k = card_of_domain_from_rep 2 (rep_of u2)
val ac_k = card_of_domain_from_rep 2 R
val a_k = exact_root 2 (ac_k * ab_k div bc_k)
val b_k = exact_root 2 (ab_k * bc_k div ac_k)
val c_k = exact_root 2 (bc_k * ac_k div ab_k)
val a_R = Atom (a_k, offset_of_type ofs a_T)
val b_R = Atom (b_k, offset_of_type ofs b_T)
val c_R = Atom (c_k, offset_of_type ofs c_T)
val body_R = body_rep R
(case body_R of
Formula Neut =>
kk_join (to_rep (Func (Struct [a_R, b_R], Formula Neut)) u1)
(to_rep (Func (Struct [b_R, c_R], Formula Neut)) u2)
| Opt (Atom (2, _)) =>
fun must R1 R2 u =
kk_join (to_rep (Func (Struct [R1, R2], body_R)) u) true_atom
fun may R1 R2 u =
(full_rel_for_rep (Struct [R1, R2]))
(kk_join (to_rep (Func (Struct [R1, R2], body_R)) u)
(kk_product (kk_join (must a_R b_R u1) (must b_R c_R u2))
(kk_product (kk_difference
(full_rel_for_rep (Struct [a_R, c_R]))
(kk_join (may a_R b_R u1) (may b_R c_R u2)))
| _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (Composition)", [u]))
|> rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk R (Func (Struct [a_R, c_R], body_R))
| Op2 (Apply, \<^typ>‹nat›, _,
Op2 (Apply, _, _, Cst (Subtract, _, _), u1), u2) =>
if is_Cst Unrep u2 andalso not (is_opt_rep (rep_of u1)) then
KK.Atom (offset_of_type ofs nat_T)
fold kk_join (map to_integer [u1, u2]) (KK.Rel nat_subtract_rel)
| Op2 (Apply, _, R, u1, u2) => to_apply R u1 u2
| Op2 (Lambda, _, R as Opt (Atom (1, j0)), u1, u2) =>
to_guard [u1, u2] R (KK.Atom j0)
| Op2 (Lambda, _, Func (_, Formula Neut), u1, u2) =>
kk_comprehension (untuple to_decl u1) (to_f u2)
| Op2 (Lambda, _, Func (_, R2), u1, u2) =>
val dom_decls = untuple to_decl u1
val ran_schema = atom_schema_of_rep R2
val ran_decls = decls_for_atom_schema ~1 ran_schema
val ran_vars = unary_var_seq ~1 (length ran_decls)
kk_comprehension (dom_decls @ ran_decls)
(kk_subset (fold1 kk_product ran_vars)
(to_rep R2 u2))
| Op3 (Let, _, R, u1, u2, u3) =>
kk_rel_let [to_expr_assign u1 u2] (to_rep R u3)
| Op3 (If, _, R, u1, u2, u3) =>
if is_opt_rep (rep_of u1) then
triple_rel_rel_let kk
(fn r1 => fn r2 => fn r3 =>
let val empty_r = empty_rel_for_rep R in
fold1 kk_union
[kk_rel_if (kk_rel_eq r1 true_atom) r2 empty_r,
kk_rel_if (kk_rel_eq r1 false_atom) r3 empty_r,
kk_rel_if (kk_rel_eq r2 r3)
(if inline_rel_expr r2 then r2 else r3) empty_r]
(to_r u1) (to_rep R u2) (to_rep R u3)
kk_rel_if (to_f u1) (to_rep R u2) (to_rep R u3)
| Tuple (_, R, us) =>
(case unopt_rep R of
Struct Rs => to_product Rs us
| Vect (k, R) => to_product (replicate k R) us
| Atom (1, j0) =>
kk_rel_if (kk_some (fold1 kk_product (map to_r us)))
(KK.Atom j0) KK.None
| _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r (Tuple)", [u]))
| Construct ([u'], _, _, []) => to_r u'
| Construct (discr_u :: sel_us, _, _, arg_us) =>
val set_rs =
map2 (fn sel_u => fn arg_u =>
val (R1, R2) = dest_Func (rep_of sel_u)
val sel_r = to_r sel_u
val arg_r = to_opt R2 arg_u
if is_one_rep R2 then
kk_n_fold_join kk true R2 R1 arg_r
(kk_project sel_r (flip_nums (arity_of_rep R2)))
kk_comprehension [KK.DeclOne ((1, ~1), to_r discr_u)]
(kk_rel_eq (kk_join (KK.Var (1, ~1)) sel_r) arg_r)
|> is_opt_rep (rep_of arg_u) ? to_guard [arg_u] R1
end) sel_us arg_us
in fold1 kk_intersect set_rs end
| BoundRel (x, _, _, _) => KK.Var x
| FreeRel (x, _, _, _) => KK.Rel x
| RelReg (j, _, R) => KK.RelReg (arity_of_rep R, j)
| u => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r", [u])
and to_decl (BoundRel (x, _, R, _)) =
KK.DeclOne (x, KK.AtomSeq (the_single (atom_schema_of_rep R)))
| to_decl u = raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_decl", [u])
and to_expr_assign (FormulaReg (j, _, _)) u =
KK.AssignFormulaReg (j, to_f u)
| to_expr_assign (RelReg (j, _, R)) u =
KK.AssignRelReg ((arity_of_rep R, j), to_r u)
| to_expr_assign u1 _ = raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_expr_assign", [u1])
and to_atom (x as (_, j0)) u =
case rep_of u of
Formula _ => atom_from_formula kk j0 (to_f u)
| R => atom_from_rel_expr kk x R (to_r u)
and to_struct Rs u = struct_from_rel_expr kk Rs (rep_of u) (to_r u)
and to_vect k R u = vect_from_rel_expr kk k R (rep_of u) (to_r u)
and to_func R1 R2 u = rel_expr_to_func kk R1 R2 (rep_of u) (to_r u)
and to_opt R u =
let val old_R = rep_of u in
if is_opt_rep old_R then
rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk (Opt R) old_R (to_r u)
to_rep R u
and to_rep (Atom x) u = to_atom x u
| to_rep (Struct Rs) u = to_struct Rs u
| to_rep (Vect (k, R)) u = to_vect k R u
| to_rep (Func (R1, R2)) u = to_func R1 R2 u
| to_rep (Opt R) u = to_opt R u
| to_rep R _ = raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_rep", [R])
and to_integer u = to_opt (one_rep ofs (type_of u) (rep_of u)) u
and to_guard guard_us R r =
val unpacked_rs = unpack_joins r
val plain_guard_rs =
map to_r (filter (is_Opt o rep_of) guard_us)
|> filter_out (member (op =) unpacked_rs)
val func_guard_us =
filter ((is_Func andf is_opt_rep) o rep_of) guard_us
val func_guard_rs = map to_r func_guard_us
val guard_fs =
map kk_no plain_guard_rs @
map2 (kk_not oo kk_n_ary_function kk)
(map (unopt_rep o rep_of) func_guard_us) func_guard_rs
if null guard_fs then r
else kk_rel_if (fold1 kk_or guard_fs) (empty_rel_for_rep R) r
and to_project new_R old_R r j0 =
rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk new_R old_R
(kk_project_seq r j0 (arity_of_rep old_R))
and to_product Rs us = fold1 kk_product (map (uncurry to_opt) (Rs ~~ us))
and to_nth_pair_sel n res_R u =
case u of
Tuple (_, _, us) => to_rep res_R (nth us n)
| _ => let
val R = rep_of u
val (a_T, b_T) = HOLogic.dest_prodT (type_of u)
val Rs =
case unopt_rep R of
Struct (Rs as [_, _]) => Rs
| _ =>
val res_card = card_of_rep res_R
val other_card = card_of_rep R div res_card
val (a_card, b_card) = (res_card, other_card)
|> n = 1 ? swap
[Atom (a_card, offset_of_type ofs a_T),
Atom (b_card, offset_of_type ofs b_T)]
val nth_R = nth Rs n
val j0 = if n = 0 then 0 else arity_of_rep (hd Rs)
in to_project res_R nth_R (to_rep (Opt (Struct Rs)) u) j0 end
and to_set_bool_op connective set_oper u1 u2 =
val min_R = min_rep (rep_of u1) (rep_of u2)
val r1 = to_rep min_R u1
val r2 = to_rep min_R u2
case min_R of
Vect (k, Atom _) => kk_vect_set_bool_op connective k r1 r2
| Func (_, R') =>
(case body_rep R' of
Formula Neut => set_oper r1 r2
| Atom _ => set_oper (kk_join r1 true_atom) (kk_join r2 true_atom)
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_set_bool_op", [min_R]))
| _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_set_bool_op", [min_R])
and to_bit_word_unary_op T R oper =
val Ts = strip_type T ||> single |> op @
fun int_arg j = int_expr_from_atom kk (nth Ts j) (KK.Var (1, j))
kk_comprehension (decls_for_atom_schema 0 (atom_schema_of_rep R))
(map (fn j => KK.AssignIntReg (j, int_arg j)) (0 upto 1),
KK.IntEq (KK.IntReg 1, oper (KK.IntReg 0))))
and to_bit_word_binary_op T R opt_guard opt_oper =
val Ts = strip_type T ||> single |> op @
fun int_arg j = int_expr_from_atom kk (nth Ts j) (KK.Var (1, j))
kk_comprehension (decls_for_atom_schema 0 (atom_schema_of_rep R))
(map (fn j => KK.AssignIntReg (j, int_arg j)) (0 upto 2),
fold1 kk_and
((case opt_guard of
NONE => []
| SOME guard =>
[guard (KK.IntReg 0) (KK.IntReg 1) (KK.IntReg 2)]) @
(case opt_oper of
NONE => []
| SOME oper =>
[KK.IntEq (KK.IntReg 2,
oper (KK.IntReg 0) (KK.IntReg 1))]))))
and to_apply (R as Formula _) _ _ =
raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_apply", [R])
| to_apply res_R func_u arg_u =
case unopt_rep (rep_of func_u) of
Atom (1, j0) =>
to_guard [arg_u] res_R
(rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk res_R (Atom (1, j0)) (to_r func_u))
| Atom (k, _) =>
val dom_card = card_of_rep (rep_of arg_u)
val ran_R =
Atom (exact_root dom_card k,
offset_of_type ofs (pseudo_range_type (type_of func_u)))
to_apply_vect dom_card ran_R res_R (to_vect dom_card ran_R func_u)
| Vect (1, R') =>
to_guard [arg_u] res_R
(rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk res_R R' (to_r func_u))
| Vect (k, R') => to_apply_vect k R' res_R (to_r func_u) arg_u
| Func (R, Formula Neut) =>
to_guard [arg_u] res_R (rel_expr_from_formula kk res_R
(kk_subset (to_opt R arg_u) (to_r func_u)))
| Func (R1, R2) =>
rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk res_R R2
(kk_n_fold_join kk true R1 R2 (to_opt R1 arg_u) (to_r func_u))
|> body_rep R2 = Formula Neut ? to_guard [arg_u] res_R
| _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_apply", [func_u])
and to_apply_vect k R' res_R func_r arg_u =
val arg_R = one_rep ofs (type_of arg_u) (unopt_rep (rep_of arg_u))
val vect_r = vect_from_rel_expr kk k res_R (Vect (k, R')) func_r
val vect_rs = unpack_vect_in_chunks kk (arity_of_rep res_R) k vect_r
kk_case_switch kk arg_R res_R (to_opt arg_R arg_u)
(all_singletons_for_rep arg_R) vect_rs
and to_could_be_unrep neg u =
if neg andalso is_opt_rep (rep_of u) then kk_no (to_r u) else KK.False
and to_compare_with_unrep u r =
if is_opt_rep (rep_of u) then
kk_rel_if (kk_some (to_r u)) r (empty_rel_for_rep (rep_of u))
in to_f_with_polarity Pos u end
fun declarative_axiom_for_plain_rel kk (FreeRel (x, _, R as Func _, nick)) =
kk_n_ary_function kk (R |> nick = \<^const_name>‹List.set› ? unopt_rep)
(KK.Rel x)
| declarative_axiom_for_plain_rel ({kk_lone, kk_one, ...} : kodkod_constrs)
(FreeRel (x, _, R, _)) =
if is_one_rep R then kk_one (KK.Rel x)
else if is_lone_rep R andalso card_of_rep R > 1 then kk_lone (KK.Rel x)
else KK.True
| declarative_axiom_for_plain_rel _ u =
raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.declarative_axiom_for_plain_rel", [u])
fun const_triple rel_table (x as (s, T)) =
case the_name rel_table (ConstName (s, T, Any)) of
FreeRel ((n, j), _, R, _) => (KK.Rel (n, j), R, n)
| _ => raise TERM ("Nitpick_Kodkod.const_triple", [Const x])
fun discr_rel_expr rel_table = #1 o const_triple rel_table o discr_for_constr
fun nfa_transitions_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize
({kk_project, ...} : kodkod_constrs) rel_table
(dtypes : data_type_spec list) constr_x n =
val x as (_, T) =
binarized_and_boxed_nth_sel_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize constr_x n
val (r, R, arity) = const_triple rel_table x
val type_schema = type_schema_of_rep T R
map_filter (fn (j, T) =>
if forall (not_equal T o #typ) dtypes then NONE
else SOME ((x, kk_project r (map KK.Num [0, j])), T))
(index_seq 1 (arity - 1) ~~ tl type_schema)
fun nfa_transitions_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes
(x as (_, T)) =
maps (nfa_transitions_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes x)
(index_seq 0 (num_sels_for_constr_type T))
fun nfa_entry_for_data_type _ _ _ _ _ ({co = true, ...} : data_type_spec) = NONE
| nfa_entry_for_data_type _ _ _ _ _ {deep = false, ...} = NONE
| nfa_entry_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes
{typ, constrs, ...} =
SOME (typ, maps (nfa_transitions_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table
dtypes o #const) constrs)
val empty_rel = KK.Product (KK.None, KK.None)
fun direct_path_rel_exprs nfa start_T final_T =
case AList.lookup (op =) nfa final_T of
SOME trans => map (snd o fst) (filter (curry (op =) start_T o snd) trans)
| NONE => []
and any_path_rel_expr ({kk_union, ...} : kodkod_constrs) nfa [] start_T
final_T =
fold kk_union (direct_path_rel_exprs nfa start_T final_T)
(if start_T = final_T then KK.Iden else empty_rel)
| any_path_rel_expr (kk as {kk_union, ...}) nfa (T :: Ts) start_T final_T =
kk_union (any_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T final_T)
(knot_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T T final_T)
and knot_path_rel_expr (kk as {kk_join, kk_reflexive_closure, ...}) nfa Ts
start_T knot_T final_T =
kk_join (kk_join (any_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts knot_T final_T)
(kk_reflexive_closure (loop_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts knot_T)))
(any_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T knot_T)
and loop_path_rel_expr ({kk_union, ...} : kodkod_constrs) nfa [] start_T =
fold kk_union (direct_path_rel_exprs nfa start_T start_T) empty_rel
| loop_path_rel_expr (kk as {kk_union, kk_closure, ...}) nfa (T :: Ts)
start_T =
if start_T = T then
kk_closure (loop_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T)
kk_union (loop_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T)
(knot_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T T start_T)
fun add_nfa_to_graph [] = I
| add_nfa_to_graph ((_, []) :: nfa) = add_nfa_to_graph nfa
| add_nfa_to_graph ((T, ((_, T') :: transitions)) :: nfa) =
add_nfa_to_graph ((T, transitions) :: nfa) o Typ_Graph.add_edge (T, T') o
Typ_Graph.default_node (T', ()) o Typ_Graph.default_node (T, ())
fun strongly_connected_sub_nfas nfa =
add_nfa_to_graph nfa Typ_Graph.empty
|> Typ_Graph.strong_conn
|> map (fn keys => filter (member (op =) keys o fst) nfa)
fun acyclicity_axioms_for_data_type _ [_] _ = []
| acyclicity_axioms_for_data_type (kk as {kk_no, kk_intersect, ...}) nfa
start_T =
[kk_no (kk_intersect
(loop_path_rel_expr kk nfa (pull start_T (map fst nfa)) start_T)
fun acyclicity_axioms_for_data_types kk =
maps (fn nfa => maps (acyclicity_axioms_for_data_type kk nfa o fst) nfa)
fun atom_equation_for_nut ofs kk (u, j) =
let val dummy_u = RelReg (0, type_of u, rep_of u) in
case Op2 (DefEq, bool_T, Formula Pos, dummy_u, u)
|> kodkod_formula_from_nut ofs kk of
KK.RelEq (KK.RelReg _, r) => SOME (KK.RelEq (KK.Atom j, r))
| _ => raise BAD ("Nitpick_Kodkod.atom_equation_for_nut",
"malformed Kodkod formula")
fun needed_values_for_data_type [] _ _ = SOME []
| needed_values_for_data_type need_us ofs
({typ, card, constrs, ...} : data_type_spec) =
fun aux (u as Construct (FreeRel (_, _, _, s) :: _, T, _, us)) =
fold aux us
#> (fn NONE => NONE
| accum as SOME (loose, fixed) =>
if T = typ then
case AList.lookup (op =) fixed u of
SOME _ => accum
| NONE =>
val constr_s = constr_name_for_sel_like s
val {delta, epsilon, ...} =
|> List.find (fn {const, ...} => fst const = constr_s)
|> the
val j0 = offset_of_type ofs T
case find_first (fn j => j >= delta andalso
j < delta + epsilon) loose of
SOME j =>
SOME (remove (op =) j loose, (u, j0 + j) :: fixed)
| aux _ = I
SOME (index_seq 0 card, []) |> fold aux need_us |> (rev o snd)
fun needed_value_axioms_for_data_type _ _ _ (_, NONE) = [KK.False]
| needed_value_axioms_for_data_type ofs kk dtypes (T, SOME fixed) =
if is_data_type_nat_like (the (data_type_spec dtypes T)) then []
else fixed |> map_filter (atom_equation_for_nut ofs kk)
fun all_ge ({kk_join, kk_reflexive_closure, ...} : kodkod_constrs) z r =
kk_join r (kk_reflexive_closure (KK.Rel (suc_rel_for_atom_seq z)))
fun gt ({kk_subset, kk_join, kk_closure, ...} : kodkod_constrs) z r1 r2 =
kk_subset r1 (kk_join r2 (kk_closure (KK.Rel (suc_rel_for_atom_seq z))))
fun constr_quadruple ({const = (s, T), delta, epsilon, ...} : constr_spec) =
(delta, (epsilon, (num_binder_types T, s)))
val constr_ord =
prod_ord int_ord (prod_ord int_ord (prod_ord int_ord string_ord))
o apply2 constr_quadruple
fun data_type_ord (({card = card1, self_rec = self_rec1, constrs = constr1, ...},
{card = card2, self_rec = self_rec2, constrs = constr2, ...})
: data_type_spec * data_type_spec) =
prod_ord int_ord (prod_ord bool_ord int_ord)
((card1, (self_rec1, length constr1)),
(card2, (self_rec2, length constr2)))
fun should_tabulate_suc_for_type dtypes T =
is_asymmetric_non_data_type T orelse
case data_type_spec dtypes T of
SOME {self_rec, ...} => self_rec
| NONE => false
fun lex_order_rel_expr (kk as {kk_implies, kk_and, kk_subset, kk_join, ...})
dtypes sel_quadruples =
case sel_quadruples of
[] => KK.True
| ((r, Func (Atom _, Atom x), 2), (_, Type (_, [_, T]))) :: sel_quadruples' =>
let val z = (x, should_tabulate_suc_for_type dtypes T) in
if null sel_quadruples' then
gt kk z (kk_join (KK.Var (1, 1)) r) (kk_join (KK.Var (1, 0)) r)
kk_and (kk_subset (kk_join (KK.Var (1, 1)) r)
(all_ge kk z (kk_join (KK.Var (1, 0)) r)))
(kk_implies (kk_subset (kk_join (KK.Var (1, 1)) r)
(kk_join (KK.Var (1, 0)) r))
(lex_order_rel_expr kk dtypes sel_quadruples'))
| _ :: sel_quadruples' => lex_order_rel_expr kk dtypes sel_quadruples'
fun is_nil_like_constr_type dtypes T =
case data_type_spec dtypes T of
SOME {constrs, ...} =>
(case filter_out (is_self_recursive_constr_type o snd o #const) constrs of
[{const = (_, T'), ...}] => T = T'
| _ => false)
| NONE => false
fun sym_break_axioms_for_constr_pair hol_ctxt binarize
(kk as {kk_all, kk_or, kk_implies, kk_and, kk_some, kk_intersect,
kk_join, ...}) rel_table nfas dtypes
({const = const1 as (_, T1), delta = delta1, epsilon = epsilon1, ...},
{const = const2 as (_, _), delta = delta2, epsilon = epsilon2, ...})
: constr_spec * constr_spec) =
val dataT = body_type T1
val nfa = nfas |> find_first (exists (curry (op =) dataT o fst)) |> these
val rec_Ts = nfa |> map fst
fun rec_and_nonrec_sels (x as (_, T)) =
index_seq 0 (num_sels_for_constr_type T)
|> map (binarized_and_boxed_nth_sel_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize x)
|> List.partition (member (op =) rec_Ts o range_type o snd)
val sel_xs1 = rec_and_nonrec_sels const1 |> op @
if constr_ord = EQUAL andalso null sel_xs1 then
val z =
(case #2 (const_triple rel_table (discr_for_constr const1)) of
Func (Atom x, Formula _) => x
| R => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.sym_break_axioms_for_constr_pair",
[R]), should_tabulate_suc_for_type dtypes dataT)
val (rec_sel_xs2, nonrec_sel_xs2) = rec_and_nonrec_sels const2
val sel_xs2 = rec_sel_xs2 @ nonrec_sel_xs2
fun sel_quadruples2 () = sel_xs2 |> map (`(const_triple rel_table))
fun filter_out_sels no_direct sel_xs =
apsnd (filter_out
(fn ((x, _), T) =>
(constr_ord = EQUAL andalso x = hd sel_xs) orelse
(T = dataT andalso
(no_direct orelse not (member (op =) sel_xs x)))))
fun subterms_r no_direct sel_xs j =
loop_path_rel_expr kk (map (filter_out_sels no_direct sel_xs) nfa)
(filter_out (curry (op =) dataT) (map fst nfa)) dataT
|> kk_join (KK.Var (1, j))
[kk_all [KK.DeclOne ((1, 0), discr_rel_expr rel_table const1),
KK.DeclOne ((1, 1), discr_rel_expr rel_table const2)]
(if delta2 >= epsilon1 then KK.True
else if delta1 >= epsilon2 - 1 then KK.False
else gt kk z (KK.Var (1, 1)) (KK.Var (1, 0)))
(if is_nil_like_constr_type dtypes T1 then
kk_some (kk_intersect (subterms_r false sel_xs2 1)
(all_ge kk z (KK.Var (1, 0)))))
(case constr_ord of
(lex_order_rel_expr kk dtypes (sel_quadruples2 ()))
(kk_all [KK.DeclOne ((1, 2),
subterms_r true sel_xs1 0)]
(gt kk z (KK.Var (1, 1)) (KK.Var (1, 2))))
| LESS =>
kk_all [KK.DeclOne ((1, 2),
subterms_r false sel_xs1 0)]
(gt kk z (KK.Var (1, 1)) (KK.Var (1, 2)))
| GREATER => KK.False)))]
fun sym_break_axioms_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table nfas dtypes
({constrs, ...} : data_type_spec) =
val constrs = sort constr_ord constrs
val constr_pairs = all_distinct_unordered_pairs_of constrs
map (pair EQUAL) (constrs ~~ constrs) @
map (pair LESS) constr_pairs @
map (pair GREATER) (map swap constr_pairs)
|> maps (sym_break_axioms_for_constr_pair hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table
nfas dtypes)
fun is_data_type_in_needed_value T (Construct (_, T', _, us)) =
T = T' orelse exists (is_data_type_in_needed_value T) us
| is_data_type_in_needed_value _ _ = false
val min_sym_break_card = 7
fun sym_break_axioms_for_data_types hol_ctxt binarize need_us
datatype_sym_break kk rel_table nfas dtypes =
if datatype_sym_break = 0 then
dtypes |> filter is_data_type_acyclic
|> filter (fn {constrs = [_], ...} => false
| {card, constrs, ...} =>
card >= min_sym_break_card andalso
forall (forall (not o is_higher_order_type)
o binder_types o snd o #const) constrs)
|> filter_out
(fn {typ, ...} =>
exists (is_data_type_in_needed_value typ) need_us)
|> (fn dtypes' =>
dtypes' |> length dtypes' > datatype_sym_break
? (sort (data_type_ord o swap)
#> take datatype_sym_break))
|> maps (sym_break_axioms_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table
nfas dtypes)
fun sel_axioms_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize j0
(kk as {kk_all, kk_formula_if, kk_subset, kk_no, kk_join, ...})
need_vals rel_table dom_r (dtype as {typ, ...})
({const, delta, epsilon, exclusive, ...} : constr_spec) n =
val x = binarized_and_boxed_nth_sel_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize const n
val (r, R, _) = const_triple rel_table x
val rel_x =
case r of
KK.Rel x => x
| _ => raise BAD ("Nitpick_Kodkod.sel_axioms_for_sel", "non-Rel")
val R2 = dest_Func R |> snd
val z = (epsilon - delta, delta + j0)
if exclusive then
[kk_n_ary_function kk (Func (Atom z, R2)) r]
else if all_values_are_needed need_vals dtype then
typ |> needed_values need_vals
|> filter (is_sel_of_constr rel_x)
|> map (fn (_, j) => kk_n_ary_function kk R2 (kk_join (KK.Atom j) r))
let val r' = kk_join (KK.Var (1, 0)) r in
[kk_all [KK.DeclOne ((1, 0), KK.AtomSeq z)]
(kk_formula_if (kk_subset (KK.Var (1, 0)) dom_r)
(kk_n_ary_function kk R2 r') (kk_no r'))]
fun sel_axioms_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize bits j0 kk need_vals rel_table
dtype (constr as {const, delta, epsilon, explicit_max, ...}) =
val honors_explicit_max =
explicit_max < 0 orelse epsilon - delta <= explicit_max
if explicit_max = 0 then
[formula_for_bool honors_explicit_max]
val dom_r = discr_rel_expr rel_table const
val max_axiom =
if honors_explicit_max then
else if bits = 0 orelse
is_twos_complement_representable bits (epsilon - delta) then
KK.LE (KK.Cardinality dom_r, KK.Num explicit_max)
raise TOO_SMALL ("Nitpick_Kodkod.sel_axioms_for_constr",
"\"bits\" value " ^ string_of_int bits ^
" too small for \"max\"")
max_axiom ::
maps (sel_axioms_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize j0 kk need_vals rel_table
dom_r dtype constr)
(index_seq 0 (num_sels_for_constr_type (snd const)))
fun sel_axioms_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize bits j0 kk rel_table need_vals
(dtype as {constrs, ...}) =
maps (sel_axioms_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize bits j0 kk rel_table need_vals
dtype) constrs
fun uniqueness_axioms_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize
({kk_all, kk_implies, kk_and, kk_rel_eq, kk_lone, kk_join, ...}
: kodkod_constrs) need_vals rel_table dtype
({const, ...} : constr_spec) =
fun conjunct_for_sel r =
kk_rel_eq (kk_join (KK.Var (1, 0)) r) (kk_join (KK.Var (1, 1)) r)
val num_sels = num_sels_for_constr_type (snd const)
val triples =
map (const_triple rel_table
o binarized_and_boxed_nth_sel_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize const)
(~1 upto num_sels - 1)
val set_r = triples |> hd |> #1
if num_sels = 0 then
[kk_lone set_r]
else if all_values_are_needed need_vals dtype then
[kk_all (map (KK.DeclOne o rpair set_r o pair 1) [0, 1])
(fold1 kk_and (map (conjunct_for_sel o #1) (tl triples)))
(kk_rel_eq (KK.Var (1, 0)) (KK.Var (1, 1))))]
fun uniqueness_axioms_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize kk need_vals rel_table
(dtype as {constrs, ...}) =
maps (uniqueness_axioms_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize kk need_vals rel_table
dtype) constrs
fun effective_constr_max ({delta, epsilon, ...} : constr_spec) = epsilon - delta
fun partition_axioms_for_data_type j0 (kk as {kk_rel_eq, kk_union, ...})
need_vals rel_table (dtype as {card, constrs, ...}) =
if forall #exclusive constrs then
[Integer.sum (map effective_constr_max constrs) = card |> formula_for_bool]
else if all_values_are_needed need_vals dtype then
let val rs = map (discr_rel_expr rel_table o #const) constrs in
[kk_rel_eq (fold1 kk_union rs) (KK.AtomSeq (card, j0)),
kk_disjoint_sets kk rs]
fun other_axioms_for_data_type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {deep = false, ...} = []
| other_axioms_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize need_vals bits ofs kk rel_table
(dtype as {typ, ...}) =
let val j0 = offset_of_type ofs typ in
sel_axioms_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize bits j0 kk need_vals rel_table
dtype @
uniqueness_axioms_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize kk need_vals rel_table
dtype @
partition_axioms_for_data_type j0 kk need_vals rel_table dtype
fun declarative_axioms_for_data_types hol_ctxt binarize need_us need_vals
datatype_sym_break bits ofs kk rel_table dtypes =
val nfas =
dtypes |> map_filter (nfa_entry_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize kk
rel_table dtypes)
|> strongly_connected_sub_nfas
acyclicity_axioms_for_data_types kk nfas @
maps (needed_value_axioms_for_data_type ofs kk dtypes) need_vals @
sym_break_axioms_for_data_types hol_ctxt binarize need_us datatype_sym_break
kk rel_table nfas dtypes @
maps (other_axioms_for_data_type hol_ctxt binarize need_vals bits ofs kk
rel_table) dtypes