File ‹Absyn-CType.ML›

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

structure CTypeDatatype =
datatype inttype = datatype BaseCTypes.base_inttype
datatype 'c ctype =
         Signed of inttype
       | Unsigned of inttype
       | Bool
       | PlainChar
       | StructTy of string
       | UnionTy of string
       | EnumTy of string option
       | Ptr of 'c ctype
       | Array of 'c ctype * 'c option
       | Bitfield of 'c ctype * 'c (* true for signed field *)
       | Ident of string
       | Function of 'c ctype * 'c ctype list
       | Void
       | TypeOf of 'c

signature CTYPE =
  datatype inttype = datatype CTypeDatatype.inttype
  datatype rcd_kind = Struct
                    | Union of string list (* list of variants that are actually used in program *)
  datatype attribute = AlignedExponent of int
  val type_of_rcd : string * (rcd_kind * 'a * 'c * 'd) -> 'b CTypeDatatype.ctype
  val inttyname : inttype -> string
  val inttype_ord : inttype * inttype -> order
  val int_width : inttype -> (* size in bits *)
  val int_sizeof : inttype -> int (* size in bytes *)

  datatype ctype = datatype CTypeDatatype.ctype
  val is_signed : 'a ctype -> bool
  val dest_int_type : 'a ctype -> (bool * inttype)
  val scalar_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val ptr_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val ptr_or_array_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val integer_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val arithmetic_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val array_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val function_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val fun_ptr_type: 'a ctype -> bool
  val aggregate_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val dest_union_type : 'a ctype -> string option
  val is_union_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val dest_struct_type : 'a ctype -> string option
  val is_struct_type : 'a ctype -> bool
  val single_variant : string -> string list -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list
  val active_variants : string -> string list -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list

  val array_to_ptr_decay : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
  val fparam_norm : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
  val param_norm : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
  val remove_enums : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
  val integer_promotions : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
  val arithmetic_conversion : 'a ctype * 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
  val unify_types : ''a ctype * ''a ctype -> ''a ctype
  val imax : 'a ctype ->
  val imin : 'a ctype ->
  val ty_width : 'a ctype -> (* only for integral types *)
  val sizeof : (string -> (int * bool)) -> int ctype -> (int * bool)
               (* function gives sizes for structs (by name) *)

  val tyname0 : ('a -> string) -> 'a ctype -> string
  val tyname : int ctype -> string
  val ctype_ord : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a ctype * 'a ctype -> order
  structure ImplementationTypes : sig
    val size_t : 'a ctype
    val ptrdiff_t : 'a ctype
    val ptrval_t : 'a ctype
  val C_field_name : string -> string
  val unC_field_name : string -> string
  val nested_types : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype list
  structure CTypeTab: TABLE

structure CType : CTYPE =

datatype rcd_kind = Struct |  Union of string list
datatype attribute = AlignedExponent of int

fun single_variant name active [fld] = [fld]
  | single_variant name active flds =
    (case filter (fn (f, _) => member (op =) active f) flds of
        [] => take 1 flds (* avoid empty structs *)
      | flds' as [f] => flds'
      | flds' => error ("single_variant union \"" ^ name ^ "\": only *one* active variant supported, got: "
          ^ @{make_string} flds' ^ "\nof\n" ^

fun active_variants name active [fld] = [fld]
  | active_variants name active flds =
    (case filter (fn (f, _) => member (op =) active f) flds of
        [] => take 1 flds (* avoid empty structs *)
      | flds' => flds')

open CTypeDatatype

fun type_of_rcd (name, (Struct, _, _, _)) = StructTy name
  | type_of_rcd (name, (Union _, _, _, _)) = UnionTy name

fun inttyname ty =
    case ty of
      Char => "char"
    | Short => "short"
    | Int => "int"
    | Long => "long"
    | LongLong => "longlong"
    | Int128 => "int128"

fun irank Char = 1 | irank Short = 2 | irank Int = 3 | irank Long = 4 |
    irank LongLong = 5 | irank Int128 = 6

val inttype_ord = measure_ord irank

fun bool_compare (b1,b2) = if b1 = b2 then EQUAL
                           else if b1 = false then LESS
                           else GREATER

fun is_signed (Signed _) = true
  | is_signed PlainChar = ImplementationNumbers.char_signedp
  | is_signed _ = false

fun dest_int_type (Signed i) = (true, i)
  | dest_int_type (Unsigned i) = (false, i)
  | dest_int_type  _ = raise Fail ("integer type expected")

fun dest_union_type (UnionTy s) = SOME s
  | dest_union_type _ = NONE

fun is_union_type t = (is_some o dest_union_type) t

fun dest_struct_type (StructTy s) = SOME s
  | dest_struct_type _ = NONE

fun is_struct_type t = (is_some o dest_struct_type) t

fun tyname0 f ty = let
  val tyname = tyname0 f
  fun seplist [] = ""
    | seplist [x] = tyname x
    | seplist (h::t) = String.concat [tyname h, "'", seplist t]
  case ty of
    Signed ity => (case ity of Char => "signed_char" | _ => inttyname ity)
  | Unsigned x => let
      case x of
        Int => "unsigned"
      | _ => "unsigned_"^inttyname x
  | PlainChar => "char"
  | Bool => "_Bool"
  | Ptr ty0 => "ptr_to_" ^ tyname ty0
  | Array(ty0, SOME sz) => tyname ty0 ^ "_array" ^ f sz
  | Array(ty0, NONE) => tyname ty0 ^ "_array[incomplete]"
  | StructTy s => "struct_" ^ s
  | UnionTy s => "union_" ^ s
  | Ident s => "typedef_"^s
  | Bitfield (ty0, n) => tyname ty0 ^ ":" ^f n
  | Void => "void"
  | Function (ret, ptys) =>
      String.concatWith "_" [seplist ptys, "_", tyname ret]
  | EnumTy (SOME s) => "enum_"^s
  | EnumTy NONE => "anonymous_enum"
  | TypeOf _ => "typeof"

val tyname = tyname0 Int.toString

fun integer_conversion_rank ty =
    case ty of
      Signed i => irank i
    | Unsigned i => irank i
    | EnumTy _ => irank Int
    | PlainChar => irank Char
    | Bool => 0
    | _ => ~1

structure ImplementationTypes =
  val size_t = Unsigned ImplementationNumbers.ptr_t
  val ptrdiff_t = Signed ImplementationNumbers.ptr_t
  val ptrval_t = Unsigned ImplementationNumbers.ptr_t

fun scalar_type ty =
    case ty  of
      Signed _ => true
    | Unsigned _ => true
    | PlainChar => true
    | Ptr _ => true
    | EnumTy _ => true
    | Array _ => true (* coz it decays to a pointer *)
    | Bool => true
    | _ => false

fun ptr_type (Ptr _) = true
  | ptr_type _ = false

fun ptr_or_array_type (Ptr _) = true
  | ptr_or_array_type (Array _) = true
  | ptr_or_array_type _ = false

fun integer_type ty = scalar_type ty andalso not (ptr_or_array_type ty)

val arithmetic_type = integer_type (* in the absence of floating types *)

fun array_to_ptr_decay (Array (x, _)) = Ptr x
  | array_to_ptr_decay t = t

fun fparam_norm ty = let
  case ty of
    Ptr (Array(ty,NONE)) => Ptr (Ptr (fparam_norm ty))
  | Ptr ty => Ptr (fparam_norm ty)
  | Array (ty,sz) => Array(fparam_norm ty, sz)
  | Function (ret, args) => Function(fparam_norm ret, map param_norm args)
  | ty => ty
and param_norm ty =
    case ty of
      Function (ret,args) =>
      Ptr (Function (fparam_norm ret, map param_norm args))
    | Array (ty, sz) => Ptr (fparam_norm ty)
    | ty => fparam_norm ty

fun array_type (Array _) = true
  | array_type _ = false
fun function_type (Function _) = true
  | function_type _ = false

fun fun_ptr_type (Ptr (Function _)) = true
  | fun_ptr_type _ = false

fun remove_enums ty =
    case ty of
      Ptr ty => Ptr (remove_enums ty)
    | Array(ty, x) => Array(remove_enums ty, x)
    | Function(rettype, argtypes) => Function(remove_enums rettype,
                                              map remove_enums argtypes)
    | EnumTy _ => Signed Int
    | _ => ty

fun tysz_rank ty =
    case ty of
      Signed _ => 0
    | Unsigned _ => 1
    | StructTy _ => 2
    | UnionTy _ => 3
    | EnumTy _ => 4
    | Ptr _ => 5
    | Array _ => 6
    | Bitfield _ => 7
    | Ident _ => 8
    | Function _ => 9
    | Void => 10
    | PlainChar => 11
    | Bool => 12
    | TypeOf _ => 13

fun ctype_ord cecmp (ty1, ty2) =
  case (ty1, ty2) of
    (Signed i1, Signed i2) => inttype_ord(i1,i2)
  | (Unsigned i1, Unsigned i2) => inttype_ord(i1, i2)
  | (StructTy s1, StructTy s2) => string_ord(s1, s2)
  | (UnionTy s1, UnionTy s2) => string_ord(s1, s2)
  | (EnumTy s1, EnumTy s2) => option_ord string_ord(s1, s2)
  | (Ptr ty1, Ptr ty2) => ctype_ord cecmp (ty1, ty2)
  | (Array tysz1, Array tysz2) =>
      prod_ord (ctype_ord cecmp) (option_ord cecmp) (tysz1,tysz2)
  | (Bitfield bce1, Bitfield bce2) =>
      prod_ord (ctype_ord cecmp) cecmp (bce1, bce2)
  | (Ident s1, Ident s2) => string_ord(s1, s2)
  | (Function f1, Function f2) =>
      prod_ord (ctype_ord cecmp) (list_ord (ctype_ord cecmp))
                  (f1, f2)
  | _ => measure_ord tysz_rank (ty1, ty2)

fun integer_promotions ty = let
  open ImplementationNumbers
  (* see *)
  case ty of
    Bool => Signed Int
  | Signed Char => Signed Int
  | Unsigned Char => if UCHAR_MAX > INT_MAX then Unsigned Int else Signed Int
  | Signed Short => Signed Int
  | Unsigned Short => if USHORT_MAX > INT_MAX then Unsigned Int else Signed Int
  | PlainChar => if CHAR_MAX > INT_MAX then Unsigned Int else Signed Int
  | EnumTy _ => Signed Int (* arbitrary! Implementations may do this
                              differently *)
  | ty => ty

fun imax ty = let
  open ImplementationNumbers
  case ty of
    Bool => 1
  | PlainChar => CHAR_MAX
  | Unsigned Char => UCHAR_MAX
  | Signed Char => SCHAR_MAX
  | Unsigned Short => USHORT_MAX
  | Signed Short => SHORT_MAX
  | Signed Int => INT_MAX
  | Unsigned Int => UINT_MAX
  | Signed Long => LONG_MAX
  | Unsigned Long => ULONG_MAX
  | Signed LongLong => LLONG_MAX
  | Unsigned LongLong => ULLONG_MAX
  | Signed Int128 => INT128_MAX
  | Unsigned Int128 => UINT128_MAX
  | _ => raise Fail ("imax called on bad type: "^tyname0 (fn _ => "") ty)

fun imin ty = let
  open ImplementationNumbers
  case ty of
    Unsigned _ => 0
  | Bool => 0
  | Signed Char => SCHAR_MIN
  | Signed Short => SHORT_MIN
  | Signed Int => INT_MIN
  | Signed Long => LONG_MIN
  | Signed LongLong => LLONG_MIN
  | Signed Int128 => INT128_MIN
  | PlainChar => CHAR_MIN
  | _ => raise Fail ("Abysn.imin called on: "^tyname0 (fn _ => "") ty)

fun arithmetic_conversion (t1,t2) = let
  val t1' = integer_promotions t1
  val t2' = integer_promotions t2
  val cmp =
          (fn p => raise Fail "arithmetic_conversion: comparing non-arithmetic\
                              \ types")
  fun signedp (Signed i) = (true, i)
    | signedp (Unsigned i) = (false, i)
    | signedp x = raise Fail ("arithmetic_conversion.signedp: comparing \
                             \non-arithmetic types" ^ @{make_string} x ^ " comparing " ^ @{make_string} t1 ^ " and " ^ @{make_string} t2)
  fun doit (t1, t2) =
      case cmp(t1, t2) of
        EQUAL => t1
      | GREATER => doit(t2, t1)
      | LESS => let
          val (sp1, i1) = signedp t1
          val (sp2, i2) = signedp t2
          val r1 = integer_conversion_rank t1
          val r2 = integer_conversion_rank t2
          if sp1 = sp2 then t2
          else if r1 < r2 then t2 (* t2 is unsigned, t1 is signed *)
          else if imax t1 >= imax t2 then t1
          else Unsigned i1
  doit (t1', t2')

fun unify_types (ty1, ty2) = let
  (* for use in conditional expressions where the type of the branches
     needs to be the same, but might give different types when analysed
     independently, as would happen in something like
         ptr_valid(ptr) ? ptr : 0;
  if ptr_or_array_type ty1 andalso not (ptr_or_array_type ty2) then unify_types (ty2, ty1)
  else let
      val ty2 = array_to_ptr_decay ty2
      case (ty1, ty2) of
        (Signed _, Ptr _) => ty2
      | (Unsigned _, Ptr _) => ty2
      | (PlainChar, Ptr _) => ty2
      | (EnumTy _, Ptr _) => ty2
      | (Ptr subty1, Ptr subty2) => if subty1 = Void then ty2
                                    else if subty2 = Void then ty1
                                    else if subty1 = subty2 then ty1
                                    else raise Fail "Not unifiable"
      | _ => if integer_type ty1 andalso integer_type ty2 then
               arithmetic_conversion (ty1, ty2)
             else if ty1 = ty2 then ty1
             else raise Fail "Not unifiable"

val fi = IntInf.fromInt
val ti = IntInf.toInt
local open ImplementationNumbers
fun int_width Char = CHAR_BIT
  | int_width Short = shortWidth
  | int_width Int = intWidth
  | int_width Long = longWidth
  | int_width LongLong = llongWidth
  | int_width Int128 = int128Width

fun ty_width (Signed i) = int_width i
  | ty_width (Unsigned i) = int_width i
  | ty_width PlainChar = CHAR_BIT
  | ty_width ty = raise Fail ("Absyn.ty_width: non integral argument: "^
                              tyname0 (fn _ => "") ty)

fun int_sizeof ty = ti (int_width ty div CHAR_BIT)


fun sizeof (structsizes : string -> ( * bool)) ty : ( * bool) = let
  open ImplementationNumbers
  case ty of
    Signed i => (int_sizeof i, false)
  | Unsigned i => (int_sizeof i, false)
  | PlainChar => (1, false)
  | Bool => (ti (boolWidth div CHAR_BIT), false)
  | StructTy s => structsizes s
  | UnionTy s => structsizes s
  | EnumTy s => (int_sizeof Int, false)
  | Ptr _ => (ti (ptrWidth div CHAR_BIT), false)
  | Array(base, SOME sz) => 
      let val (el_sz, padding) = sizeof structsizes base in (sz * el_sz, padding) end
  | Array(base, NONE) => raise Fail "Can't compute size for incomplete array"
  | Bitfield (ty, width) =>
        val (signed, int_ty) = dest_int_type ty
        val iw = int_width int_ty
        if width <> 0 andalso width mod iw = 0 then (ti (width div CHAR_BIT), false)
        else raise ERROR ("Can't compute sizes for bit-fields, (consecutive) bitfield width of "
          ^ string_of_int width ^ " is not a multiple of integer width: " ^ string_of_int iw)
  | Ident _ => raise Fail "Can't compute sizes for type-defs"
  | Function _ => raise Fail "Can't compute sizes for functions"
  | Void => raise Fail "Can't compute a size for void"
  | TypeOf _ => raise Fail  "Can't compute a size for TypeOf. Should be compiled out here."

fun aggregate_type (StructTy _) = true
  | aggregate_type (UnionTy _) = true
  | aggregate_type (Array _) = true
  | aggregate_type _ = false

(* an approximation, ignoring the type variable component *)
fun eqty(ty1, ty2) =
    case (ty1, ty2) of
      (Signed ity1, Signed ity2) => ity1 = ity2
    | (Unsigned ity1, Unsigned ity2) => ity1 = ity2
    | (PlainChar, PlainChar) => true
    | (StructTy s1, StructTy s2) => s1 = s2
    | (UnionTy s1, UnionTy s2) => s1 = s2
    | (EnumTy s1, EnumTy s2) => s1 = s2
    | (Ptr ty1, Ptr ty2) => eqty(ty1, ty2)
    | (Array(ty1,_), Array(ty2,_)) => eqty(ty1,ty2)
    | (Bitfield(ty1, _), Bitfield(ty2,_)) => eqty(ty1,ty2)
    | (Ident s1, Ident s2) => s1 = s2
    | (Function(retty1, args1), Function(retty2, args2)) =>
         eqty(retty1,retty2) andalso
         ListPair.all eqty (args1, args2)
    | (Void, Void) => true
    | _ => false

fun C_field_name s = s ^ "_C"
fun unC_field_name s =
    if String.isSuffix "_C" s then
      String.extract(s,0,SOME(size s - 2))
    else s

fun nested_types t =
    fun add_types t ts =
      case t of
       Ptr t' => add_types t' (t::ts)
      | Array (t',_) => add_types t' (t::ts)
      | Bitfield (t', _) => add_types t' (t::ts)
      | Function (r, args) => (t::ts) |> fold add_types (r::args)
      | other => other::ts
    add_types t []

structure CTypeTab = Table(struct
  type key = int ctype
  val ord = ctype_ord int_ord

end (* struct *)